It’s time to envision a new future! Taking place in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius, the January 29 New Moon ends the first year of 2025 with a bang, asking us to be fearless and unapologetically ourselves in the face of change.
This is a time when a lot of the old structures (in our lives but also in the world at large) are crumbling, and we’re forced to find new, unexpected ways to move forward. Which area of your life requires a good shake up by this revolutionary Aquarian energy?
Read on to find out how this New Moon is going to impact you, based on your sign.
You’re rebelling against all the people who’ve tried to keep you down, even if they’re friends or acquaintances. Even more so, then.
A new, smarter, better way to work exists and you’re going to find it. Your career shouldn’t come at your health’s detriment.
Start a new study subject. Travel somewhere new. Open your mind to new perspectives — it’s the most important thing you can do.
You may be called to sign a contract, or enter a partnership with someone. It might feel unprecedented, but don’t fear it.
A new start at a relationship or a partnership beckons. This time, you’ll do everything right. You’ll be fair and open. Right?
Loving yourself is not a radical proposition, but for you it is. Learn how to do that actually, in your every day.
Start that creative project that sounds like a bizarre idea that’s never done before. Right now. You’re the person to do it.
Finally, time to find a new home. A place where you can be with your people, and feel safe, comfortable and happy.
Spread out your message on social media. Your words are meant to reach more people than ever now. Don’t hold back anymore.
New ways to improve your earnings present themselves to you. Don’t let your surprise stop you from grabbing them before they’re gone.
Change everything that doesn’t feel like it’s true to yourself. Your looks, your attitude, your actions. Emerge your most authentic version ever.
Thank your past for all that it has taught you, and move on with gratitude and wisdom. Better times are coming soon.