In the second week of the New Year, Mercury gets us into a “back to business” mindset by entering the zodiac sign of Capricorn. Despite Capricorn being an Earth sign and Mercury’s energy being mostly Air (he is, after all, the planet of communication, news, technology and collaboration) this is a very comfortable transit. Capricorns are such goal getters that they love not only making plans, something we all tend to do at the beginning of a new year, but also ensuring they have the structure, resources and discipline to execute these plans.
This is a time for us to look ahead and create a life we can be proud of!
Read on to find out how Mercury in Capricorn will impact you, based on your sign.
It’s not how much you work, it’s when and how. Be smart about your professional goals. Try to streamline your schedule.
You are hungry for more knowledge, but approach this hunger in an organized manner. Research how you can further your education.
A great time for signing contracts and entering business partnerships or financial agreements — as long as there’s honesty across the board.
Relationships have always been work for you, but they’re also incredibly fulfilling. Make sure you get as much as you give.
If you are willing to change some habits that hold you back, you will be unstoppable now. Start with prioritizing movement.
You’re seeing a creative project that you’ve been secretly rooting for finally catching on. It’s now time to invest in it.
Your family unit won’t work unless there’s clear communication and delegation of chores. Be more responsible in your role within it.
Your words are now uniquely positioned to reach more people than ever. You might go viral for your work. Be prepared.
You’ll be given a chance to turn your financial situation around, but you’ll have to be discerning (easy) and responsible (hard).
Enjoy this time of mental clarity! You’re starting the year with a bang, so dare to dream and plan big. Bigger!
You’re still in reassessing mode, and that’s not a bad thing. Digest what happened in your past, before planning your future.
Reach out to people like your life depends on it. In a social sense, it does. You need your community now.