Mars, the planet of passion, aggression and strength moves into fiery Leo on November 05, where it will stay until January 06 (turning retrograde on December 06).
The energies of Mars feel very at home in Leo, who is all about courage and making bold choices. During this time, we are encouraged to express our feelings (even if we can’t always hope to see them reciprocated) and to speak our truths without fear.
Read on to find out how Mars in Leo will affect your life.
You are being encouraged to pursue a creative project, whether it makes practical sense or not. If it makes you happy, make time for it.
You love your family fiercely, but you disagree with them on so many things… There’s nothing wrong with that. Stand your ground. Speak your truth.
The things you say have extra weight and can be used as weapons. So be careful, and avoid harsh and bitter words. Spread kindness instead.
You need to mind your spending, because it will be very easy to run out of money now. Think twice before doing a shopping spree.
You may be boiling with righteous fury, but you also need to be discerning on who you are unleashing it. Be aware of your power.
It’s time to realize that your past is not your most kind teacher. You have been harmed and hurt before. Focus on the future instead.
Fighting with your friends is not a good use of your time. If you no longer feel welcome in your community, find a new one.
This is the time to push harder than ever in your career. Yes, you might ruffle some feathers in the process, but it’s worth it.
You’ve had enough of certain spiritual authority figures telling you how to live your life. Be your own spiritual authority. Live on your own terms.
You may be upset that those close to you aren’t pulling their weight when it comes to finances. So, tell them. They won’t change otherwise.
Relationships become the tug of war, as your needs and the needs of your partner are currently clashing. Compromise is hard, but it’s not impossible.
Your health should be your absolute priority right now. Stop pushing yourself so hard. Make sure you’re resting and hydrating enough and eating nutritious food.