♈ Aries |
There are some friendships in your life that have been sabotaging you in secret. Today, you’re putting a stop to that. Move away from anyone who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. |
♈ Taurus |
You may feel like making a big, bold career move today. It’s going to be very scary and bring you face to face with your demons… but ultimately it will be worth it. |
♊ Gemini |
You may find yourself drawn to magic, spirituality and occult studies. This desire to look behind the veil and see what stares back shouldn’t be snuffed out. Indulge your curiosity, but always respectfully. |
♋ Cancer |
Some old secrets might come to light and change your perspective toward your finances, your obligations and ultimately your family. It might be sombering, but it’s also very important to go through this. |
♌ Leo |
You need to look at your relationship patterns carefully: is there darkness there? Do you feel a need to control or dominate your partner? How much are you willing to meld with another? |
♍ Virgo |
Your love-hate relationships with your body and your image comes to a halt today. Any self-destructive habits need to come to an end, if you’re to grow and thrive. Time to do better. |
♎ Libra |
Sometimes you fall in love with very sad things; with people who are not really emotionally available; with heartbreaking works of art. It’s just part of your personality. Accept you can’t change them. |
♏ Scorpio |
Have you been feeling suffocated at home lately? Are there parts of your family you feel too afraid to face? Today you’re shedding light on all those dark corners, and emerging much brighter. |
♐ Sagittarius |
Your darker, more bitter thoughts also deserve to come out to light. Express your feelings, even the negative ones, and you’ll be surprised at how much better you’ll start feeling immediately. It’s magic. |
♑ Capricorn |
Those who have wronged you in the past, physically, emotionally and financially, will get their comeuppance today. They say a successful life is the best revenge and today you’re truly embodying that. Congratulations! |
♒ Aquarius |
Today Pluto conjuncts the Sun in your sign, giving you the gift of both light and shadow. Make peace with all the parts of yourself, both bad and good. You’re stronger with both. |
♓ Pisces |
If you do nothing else today, then just listen to your intuition. It’s a very good day for tarot reading or any other divination practices. Go deep within and find your inner wisdom. |
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