♈ Aries |
Your ruler Mars has finally turned direct in your 4th House, lessening the simmering tensions and resentments among family members. Now is the time to address issues head on and find a compromise. |
♈ Taurus |
Share your writings, your social media posts, your thoughts with the world. You may be angry at many things, but channel that anger through your words and many people will resonate with them. |
♊ Gemini |
It’s finally time to become bold with your financial choices again. The spending that was out of your control is now reined in, and you are able to save again and make investments. |
♋ Cancer |
Mars turns direct on your sign, making you less passive aggressive and more eager and able to stand up for the things that matter to you. Speak up your mind clearly. No subterfuge. |
♌ Leo |
Time to face your past head on. No more hiding or avoiding the issues and the past traumas. In order to burn bright and focus on your future, deal with your shadows first. |
♍ Virgo |
Some relationships with friends are in need of a shake up. You have been at odds with them for a long time now, but were unable to express your frustrations. Tell them now. |
♎ Libra |
After a long time where you felt hesitant to take any risks in your career, now you’re feeling brave again. You can pursue your dreams, and stand your ground. Show everyone your worth. |
♏ Scorpio |
If you’re thinking of planning a trip, for work or for studies, but it feels too difficult to arrange, take the first step anyway. Try to do the impossible thing. See what happens. |
♐ Sagittarius |
If you’ve been feeling like people are trying to take advantage of you when it comes to money or contract negotiations, don’t beat around the bush. Address the issue head on. Speak up. |
♑ Capricorn |
There’s a lot of push and pull within your relationship these days. That doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. Standing your ground and setting firm boundaries is important in any relationship. |
♒ Aquarius |
Be careful these days, particularly if you’re involved in team sports or if you started exercising recently. You may get too enthusiastic, overdo it and risk a small injury or accident. Pace yourself. |
♓ Pisces |
You need to be a bit more assertive when it comes to a flirt or an art project. Show how interested you are, and how willing to put in the time and effort. |
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