♈ Aries |
As long as your ruler Mars is retrograde, it’s natural to feel unable to properly express yourself. You may be stewing in silent anger toward a family member instead of talking to them. |
♈ Taurus |
You can’t trust social media. Often, you can’t even trust the things you say to your friends when you’re upset, hoping they stay in their confidence. Act as if your words are public. |
♊ Gemini |
You still have a lot of expenses, some expected and some not. Do the best you can under these circumstances, and don’t worry so much about the future. One day at a time. |
♋ Cancer |
Expressing your anger has never been something you were particularly good at, let alone now that Mars is still retrograde in your sign. Bottling up your emotions will cause you to explode soon. |
♌ Leo |
Old grievances still manage to get to you. Why? What happened to your usual ‘forgive and forget’ nature? Perhaps there is a lesson somewhere there within the trauma. Do try to find it. |
♍ Virgo |
Not fully trusting certain friends sounds sad, but it might also be the right thing to do right now. There are people in your life who would rather antagonize you. Root them out. |
♎ Libra |
Take every chance you can in your professional life, even the ones that feel out of reach and insane right now. Even if you’re not ready to act on them. Go toward them. |
♏ Scorpio |
Plans to travel may need to change, as flight and hotel cancellations are bringing you frustration. Try to be flexible, contain your anger, and make new plans, preferably for the next month onward. |
♐ Sagittarius |
If you have to deal with family members you don’t like, patience and silence may be your only options. This is not the right time for an all out war. Wait it out. |
♑ Capricorn |
Your partner may be getting on your nerves lately, all their little habits annoying you to no end. Don’t nag at them. Try to remember and focus on their good qualities. They exist. |
♒ Aquarius |
You should take better care of your health, especially if you’ve started exercising recently. Make sure you’re not doing too much too fast, to avoid any small injuries that will set you back. |
♓ Pisces |
If you’re involved in a creative project with other people, be aware of tensions that might be simmering under the surface. Trying to keep everyone happy will drive you insane. Don’t try it. |
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