♈ Aries |
If everything feels like a raw wound and a personal insult today, try to react as little as possible. The Moon on your sign is causing a bit of havoc in your emotions. |
♈ Taurus |
Follow your body’s lead today: if it’s telling you to rest, you need to rest, not push harder. Or at the very least, lie down while your mind is going at breakneck speed. |
♊ Gemini |
Even if it’s a Monday and you have a lot to do, make time for your friends still. You need to be surrounded with people who “get you” in order to fully flourish. |
♋ Cancer |
These are busy times, but you’re okay with that. You know that soon you’ll be able to take more risks at work, so you’re making sure you’re setting yourself up for “overnight” success. |
♌ Leo |
Your daily life has started to feel a bit suffocating. You’re eager to explore and experience new things, so why don’t you? It doesn’t have to be difficult, or expensive. Just try something. |
♍ Virgo |
This is the time to cut to the chase and get answers to certain financial questions you may have. Observe what people close to you are saying, and what they are not saying. |
♎ Libra |
Your empathy is more pronounced today, and it gives you the opportunity to feel closer to a partner at work or at home. Just don’t confuse their emotional struggles for your own, okay? |
♏ Scorpio |
Remember: you have a body that you need to treat with kindness, and sometimes this means setting firmer boundaries when it comes to your habits. Make sure you’re sleeping enough and hydrating enough. |
♐ Sagittarius |
Follow your joy today, no matter where it leads you. Find little pockets of time within your busy schedule to focus on your hobbies and pursue your bliss. Your heart needs it now. |
♑ Capricorn |
Look to your home and family life today for ways you can improve. There is some simmering tension in your relationships still, and you need to be vulnerable and kind to resolve them. |
♒ Aquarius |
Embrace the chaos this day might bring, and ask for help whenever you need it. This is not a day to achieve much, but it’s a day to get inspired and share ideas! |
♓ Pisces |
It’s okay to want things, to crave physical comforts and shiny toys. Your financial situation has been a bit of touch and go, but if you can, treat yourself to something nice today. |
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