Your ruler Mars conjuncts the Moon today in your 3rd House, making it an extremely powerful day for any kind of written word statements. Express yourself authentically, and the world will surely listen.
Make decisive moves on your finances today, even if it feels risky at first. This is not the time to hold back: go big or go home. You certainly will not regret it.
The Moon conjuncts Mars in your sign today, so whatever the question, the challenge or the proposed adventure may be… just say yes! This is the day to take risks you normally wouldn’t.
It’s time to break through from the ghosts of your past, and focus on a brighter future instead. But this will only happen if you face your insecurities head on. Do that today.
Today you’re proving that you can rally your troops when it comes to a cause that feels important to you. Harness your social media following for good — you might just change someone’s life.
A fantastic career opportunity may cross your path today, and you should make sure to grab it with both hands. Don’t let indecision and past fears stop you from claiming this for you.
Apply for that Masters course, or for that semester abroad if you can. Don’t let anyone convince you that you can’t change your life or take a new path. It’s never too late.
Provided that you’ve already done the groundwork and read the fine print, today is a great day to sign that business contract or make a commitment for life. It’s time to say “yes”!
Allow yourself to be wooed, and to believe in a happily ever after. Losing yourself in someone else’s eyes isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you. Let go of your fear.
Make a commitment to yourself today, whether it’s cutting a bad habit or starting a new way of life when it comes to nutrition and fitness. The best version of yourself is here.
A project close to your heart may take an unexpected turn today, with someone realizing its potential and deciding to help you out with it. Be open to receiving and to surprise blessings.
This is it, the new start you’d been dreaming of for you and your family. Whether in the form of a new house or a new, exciting DIY project, take decisive action today.