♈ Aries |
You may be feeling grumpy today, eager to pick a fight over every little disagreement. It would be wise to keep your more divisive opinions to yourself and avoid making any big waves. |
♈ Taurus |
Your day will be social and possibly a bit chaotic, so it’s a good idea to write down the things that come to mind throughout it. Be honest about your feelings. Communicate more. |
♊ Gemini |
You deserve nice things. Your partner and the people who care about you should make sure to spoil you on days like today, where you feel like you’re not getting enough. Demand it. |
♋ Cancer |
With the Moon in your sign today, your feelings are all over the place. Make sure you’re not allowing past events to color your perception of what’s happening in your life right now. |
♌ Leo |
Some days are for resting, not for pushing ahead. Give yourself permission to slow down today: make a nice, warm cup of tea, cozy up on the couch, and just take it easy. |
♍ Virgo |
With Saturn turning direct in your 7th House, you’re starting to face the limitations a serious relationship or partnership actually has. Turn to your friends for comfort, but also to get their advice. |
♎ Libra |
Focus at work today, and try to keep your thoughts organized and your environment as orderly as possible. People are paying attention to what you can do. Show them how talented you are. |
♏ Scorpio |
Try to see things from a different angle today. You’re usually a perfectionist and quite set on your ways, but allow yourself to learn something new, experiment and improvise. It’s good for you. |
♐ Sagittarius |
It’s become clear now that you and your family don’t see eye to eye on certain things. An uncomfortable conversation needs to be had, but make sure you listen carefully before making decisions. |
♑ Capricorn |
Your ruler Saturn turns direct in your 3rd House today, forcing you to pay extra attention to your words — particularly your written words. Right now, your words can make or break your relationship. |
♒ Aquarius |
You need to make a plan and set your priorities straight. Having a good relationship with your co-workers is essential, but certainly not to the detriment of your own health. Respect your boundaries. |
♓ Pisces |
With Saturn turning direct in your sign, it becomes very clear what you can and cannot achieve in your life. That being said, don’t let that realization bring you down. Pursue your joy. |
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