Embrace the chaos today, and trust in your ability to communicate. Just don’t pick a fight with the people you need help from, and try to maintain a positive attitude throughout the day.
You’re feeling more like yourself today. Your senses are demanding to be catered to: eat a nice meal, invest in a new perfume, go for a walk, feel the wind in your hair.
The Moon enters your sign today, making you a bit more touchy than usual. You may be inclined to believe that everyone is out to get you, but this is not the case.
Listen to your body today. If you need to sleep extra hours, do that instead of pushing yourself too hard. Your dreams are actually very important right now, as they convey hidden messages.
You’re not alone, and today you’re being reminded of that. You have a whole community behind you, ready to rally for you when needed. Tap into that collective power. Everything will be fine.
You may need to prove yourself today, and that might require doing something you hate: tooting your own horn. It’s okay to not be humble sometimes, especially when the right people are noticing.
This is the time to travel, not the time to settle. If you’re not already on holiday, pack your bags today. You need to see new things, expand your horizons, have new adventures.
This is the time to demand a lot from others, particularly if they are claiming to be committed toward you, in any capacity. Make them walk the talk. There is no other way.
You can be happy and cheerful and mellow and in love without sacrificing the core of who you are as an independent human being. You know that, right? Allow yourself to feel it.
A good day to focus on your most demanding tasks and make a plan for how to tackle them. Make sure you allow some time in your busy schedule for exercise and meditation.
Find ways to be more playful today. If you’re single, it’s a great day to go out on a date. In a relationship? Do something that would make your inner child really happy.
You’re discovering new ways to connect to your family and your home. It could be as simple as redecorating, doing some DIY or renovation project, or deciding to move to a new place.