Everything around you starts moving very fast this week, but you may need to take it slow today. Sleep more. The excitement of the week will hit better on a well rested brain.
Surround yourself with people you respect and usually agree with today. You may be finding it surprisingly difficult to form your own opinions about things, so make sure you’re around people you trust.
Full steam ahead at work today! Make sure you’re being diligent about all your tasks, but also that you’re managing your reputations. People need to see you as an expert in your field.
You’re getting a heavy case of the Mondays, already searching for ways to escape a hectic week. Life can surprise you: by the time Friday comes, things will have changed for the better.
You need to examine carefully any written agreements or reports about money you come across today. It’s important to be super diligent about these things — don’t assume other people know what they’re doing.
You need to put yourself in your partner’s shoes, and that goes both for your business partner and your romantic partner. Listen to their worries. Try to find common ground.You got this.
Show yourself some more TLC today. Take your beauty routine more seriously, spend more time stretching and walking, eat a filling but also nutritious breakfast. You deserve a healthy start to the week.
Playfulness may be the keyword for the week. Stop taking everything so seriously, and allow your inner child (and your inner artist) to take the reins. Things will become so much easier then.
You need to spend more quality time with your family. When was the last time you visited your parents or siblings? Make a point of visiting this afternoon — or at least calling them.
Write down that idea you had. It may not seem like it now, but you’ll find a way to use it in the months to come. Your ideas are investments in your future.
So what if you need a little treat, a little pick-me-up to get the week going? You deserve it. You’ve had enough with frustrating savings and limiting your choices. Buy that extra latte.
With the Moon still in your sign, the effects of yesterday’s New Moon are still present. Believe that your life is about to change for the better. That belief is the first step.