Your mind is probably on all the things you plan to buy with your recent windfall or raise, but today you need to do your best to focus at work. Finish your tasks.
A good day to try something new for the first time, today, whether it’s a new cuisine or a place you’ve never visited before. You may discover something you never knew you liked!
Don’t avoid hard conversations with loved ones today. There’s a chance they may be hiding certain things from you to protect you, but it’s important that you know everything to make informed decisions.
A good day to spend some quality time with your significant other. How long has it been since you’ve had a date night? (If you’re single, it’s a good day to start dating.)
You may have changed your daily routine recently (or you’re about to) and this may be causing you stress, but see it as an opportunity to slowly get used to a healthier lifestyle.
It’s okay to indulge more in the things that bring you joy. Not everything you do has to be productive. Take some time to be playful and creative, it will soothe your soul.
You may want to disengage from the world entirely today, avoid engaging with people, and hide under the blankets. That’s okay. You’ve been working — and networking — really hard lately, you deserve a break.
You’re uncharacteristically social today, meeting up with friends and family and checking out new parts of town, maybe going for dinner or drinks. You deserve to celebrate a bit and broaden your horizons.
Today you may be tempted to spend more money than you should, but that’s okay: your significant other or your family can help foot the bill — you’ve been doing the same for them!
With the Moon in your sign, avoid making big decisions or being among crowds. You may get upset by things you see or hear, and overreact, which would be against your best interests.
You may find yourself feeling tired, groggy or nostalgic today. It’s okay to spend the day focusing on self-care and wellness. Prioritize your rest. The hustle will still be there for you tomorrow.
A great day to socialize with friends you haven’t seen in a long time. Even if you can’t get together in real life, a Zoom call might replicate the feeling of hanging out.