Today you realize that what’s holding you back is yourself. The time has come to look your fears in the eye and start overcoming them. You can do this; growth is a process.
The shallowness of some of your friendships may start bothering you today. It can be a sign that you need to re-examine your friends circle, perhaps cutting off people you don’t fully trust.
If you’ve made bad or careless decisions regarding your career, today Saturn begins a journey in your chart that will allow you to course-correct. Be diligent, work hard, and things will definitely improve.
It’s time to start building your self-confidence, articulating your needs better, and setting firmer boundaries. It can be scary, but anyone who doesn’t like this new version of you, doesn’t really deserve you.
You’re entering a period where old obsessions and bad habits may resurface. Start being extra vigilant about what you desire and who you spend time with—protect your mental health and your emotional balance.
If you’re single, Saturn in your chart is starting a journey that will help you find what you’re looking for in a partner. If you’re in a relationship, some sacrifices may be necessary.
A stressful period at work may begin today, with more responsibilities coming your way. The only way to handle it is by getting better at time management—and learning how to delegate when needed.
If the things that used to give you joy don’t anymore, it’s probably time to re-evaluate your priorities. You may be burned out. Allow more time for creative hobbies in your daily life.
Today, Saturn starts a journey in your chart that will highlight any domestic problems you may be having—whether a toxic relationship with a relative, or a need to relocate. Be ready for changes.
You’re entering an era where you don’t have much patience for small talk, and where your outlook on life becomes even more serious. That’s fine, as long as you don’t lose your optimism entirely.
With Saturn leaving your sign today, you feel like a weight has been lifted; like anything is possible. You may want to throw a party or plan a trip. Just be mindful of overspending.
Saturn enters your sign today, and it may alter how you view yourself—and how others see you. It’s an ideal time to start putting the foundations for a better, happier, more stable future.