Today is the day you’ll stand in the spotlight and get the attention you deserve. You have been working so hard, for such a long time, that you’re due a promotion or acknowledgement.
There’s always new things to learn and ways to level up your craft. Don’t hesitate to become a student again: pick up an evening course, sit through a seminar, read a non-fiction book.
Shared finances may be a point of conflict today. You’re not the most generous person around, and you are called to learn to share more of your abundance with others. It won’t hurt.
A great day to spend some quality time with your partner, perhaps go on a date night and listen to what they have to say. Single? Someone at the office requires your attention…
You’re feeling the need to take better care of yourself today. Drinking extra water, moving your body more and eating nutritious foods is a great start, but maintaining those habits is more important.
You don’t always allow your creativity to shine, but when you do, it’s glorious. Let your inner artist come to the surface today: you have art to create that will touch people’s hearts.
If you’ve been thinking about moving, or renovating your home, today is a great day to get started. It will be an impossible task to tackle alone, but that’s why you have friends.
Things may be hectic at work today, with a lot of errands to run and non-stop meetings. It’s frustrating, but try to push through. You’re impressing people high-up in the hierarchy. Keep going!
You’ve never been jealous of other people’s success, but lately you feel a pang of jealousy when you see your peers being able to afford nicer things than you. If you budgeted better…
You’re entering a phase where declarations of commitment take written form — whether we’re talking about getting married, entering a domestic partnership, or signing a business contract. Congratulations, you’ve wanted this for a while!
What if this aloof mask you’re showing the world could come off? What if you allowed yourself to be more vulnerable, more romantic? The planets say, go for it. You won’t regret it.
To be a great partner to others, you first need to learn to be a better friend and partner to yourself. Investing in your wellness is not selfish, it’s the smart way forward.