Don’t be surprised if everything goes your way today! With the Moon in conjunction with Mercury and Jupiter in your sign, you may win anything from a lottery to a promotion at work!
Today you are drawn into your inner world. Let your intuition guide you past insecurities and into the well of your hidden wisdom. Take your time to decipher any messages from your subconscious.
Try to get past feeling insulted at everything today, and really listen to what your friends are telling you. There may be some hard, but important advice there that you need to heed.
Don’t be afraid to speak up during an office meeting or a job interview. The planets want you to succeed beyond your wildest dreams: speak your truth to power, you won’t regret it.
You’re great at seeing the bigger picture, and your natural leadership tendencies help you position yourself as an expert in your field. Pursuing a professorship may be in your future, if you want.
News about a family inheritance or secret may come to light today, and change your outlook drastically. Take some time to get into the bottom of things before deciding what to do next.
Perhaps the best day of the year to propose to a loved one, say “I do”, or take a drastic step in planning your wedding or moving in together. Single? Not for long!
Time for a spring cleaning! Whether at work or at home, take stock of all of the things you don’t need anymore, and make piles to throw away or donate. You’ll feel better!
If you’re single, you might meet your next crush today. In a relationship? Channel your flirty vibes and creativity into an art project: you’ll be amazed at how good you are at this.
An unexpected development when it comes to property sales or moving houses may occur today: if an offer seems too good to be true… go for it, the planets are on your side!
You might take a short trip today to run errands. It’s good to keep busy on days like this, when your mind can’t settle on one thought for long. You’ll get stuff done!
Finally, the financial windfall you’ve been waiting for so long is here! How will you spend it? Hint: the right answer is “you will not spend it all, you will save some.” Right?