Your finances may take a turn for the better, when a new business opportunity suddenly pops up. Don’t be too suspicious as to ruin it, but do read the fine print before signing.
With the Sun in conjunction with Uranus in your sign today, everything is possible. Don’t limit yourself or your desires: the planets are listening, and your life may just change in an instant.
Today you are called to close a chapter in your past for good, so that you can finally process any trauma you may be carrying and move on. New, better things await Soon.
People are starting to pay attention to what you say, particularly online. Don’t be alarmed if something you posted goes viral later today! It’s okay to share your authentic self with the world.
A brand new start in your career begins today, with the Sun’s conjunction with Uranus in your 10th House. This may mean more responsibilities and a different daily routine, but you got this.
An opportunity for a do-over in your studies may present itself today — or an opportunity for a trip abroad. Whatever it is, say yes (but don’t book anything yet, with Mercury still retrograde).
Money may come your way today, in the form of an inheritance or from a property sale. Whatever your plans for that money, make sure to share it with those close to you.
A proposal may surprise you today — whether of a romantic nature or a business one. Your heart wants to say yes, but take a moment. Breathe. Talk to trusted friends. Think it through.
One of these days where nothing goes according to plan, and that may be a good thing. But be careful: multitasking to tame the chaos may cause minor accidents and temporary health issues.
If you were looking for inspiration for your next creative project, today you may find your muse. Whatever idea comes to you, make sure to jolt it down somewhere; it will be good.
With your ruler Uranus in conjunction with the Sun today, an unexpected development at your place of residence may lead you to search for a new place to live. It’s for the better.
A close friend or a sibling may share a big secret with you today that can change how you view them. Be open and willing to listen to other people’s point of view.