You want to focus at work, but you’re like a magpie in a jewelry store, distracted by all the shiny things you’re seeing (in your imagination). Your creativity is wild, today. Follow it.
Your ruler, Venus, is entering your 4th House today, making you yearn even more for the comfort of home — and for meeting a person that will feel like home to you. Possibly soon!
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer today, as you are likely to learn certain juicy things about both. Information can be currency if you wield it properly, so play it smart.
With Venus leaving your sign today, you move into a more materialistic view of things. What should your significant other offer, to prove their affection is real? Go on, ask for the moon.
With Venus entering your sign today, you get to be even more primadonna than usual! Shine bright, don’t diminish your glow for anyone, be your most authentic self, and let them all gawk.
You’re surprisingly flirty today — and even more surprisingly open to any invitations that may come from an ex of yours (or someone you thought was in your past). That’s not a bad thing!
Today you’re torn between spending time with friends (some may even be more than friends?) and retreating to the safety of your home. It’s okay to have antisocial days, every now and then.
You’re entering a phase where your career is blooming, but don’t forget you need to have a social life too, to balance things out. Today is a good day to meet with friends.
Today you want to do the sensible thing and save money, but you can also feel the siren call of traveling. What if you found a nice, cheap deal for a quick trip?
With the Moon entering your sign today, things may take an unexpectedly sentimental turn. Allow your loved ones to be totally real with you, but mostly allow yourself to be real with them.
Today you’re a bit lost in the whirlwind of your mind, second-guessing yourself and wondering if you should have handled things differently. Don’t do that. Everything so far has happened for a reason.
A social day, where you feel the need to communicate your thoughts and build a network of support around you. Do it; it will be very useful in the future, personally and professionally.