After an exciting first half of the week, it’s okay to shift gears and slow down today. Spend some quality time at home with your family; watch a favorite show; eat comfort food.
Things might be a bit hectic today, but don’t let that derail you. Try to be as flexible as possible, go with the flow, and definitely ask for help when you need it.
A great day to invest in yourself and buy some things you’ve wanted for a while. Make sure you don’t overspend, of course: a little indulgence and luxury will go a long way.
With the Moon entering your sign today, you’re becoming extremely moody and quick to complain about every minor inconvenience. It’s best to temper your expectations about how much you can actually achieve today.
Make sure to keep a dream journal these days, or find ways to allow your intuition to come through (perhaps through meditation or tarot). There may be a message coming from your subconscious.
It’s a good idea to cast a wider net when it comes to your friendships. Expand your social circle. You may discover a group of like-minded individuals you’ll feel right at home with.
You’re attracting the right kind of attention at work today. Keep doing exactly what you’re doing, and your hard work won’t go unrewarded. Be ready to advocate for yourself, when the moment comes.
Your perfectionism often steers you away from trying new things, because you hate feeling like a novice in anything you do. Yet, there’s joy in learning something new, making mistakes. Find that joy.
Be ready to dig under the surface for clues today. Someone very close to you is not telling you the whole truth about something important — but they have a good reason for it.
You’re not the most romantic sign of the zodiac (if anything, you’ve been accused of being the least romantic). But today you’re finding ways to show your partner your affection, and that’s important.
You’ve been working so hard lately, it’s no wonder you’re feeling exhausted! Give yourself some TLC by drinking more water, taking vitamin supplements, and scheduling time for rest. You need to avoid burnout.
There’s still so much magic in the world, all around you. Today, open your eyes to the joys you’re usually taking for granted, and allow yourself to be inspired by beauty and nature.