It’s okay to crave decadence and luxury. You’ve been living under a tight budget for a long time, and now that your finances are a bit better, you feel the need to splurge.
With the Moon entering your sign today, allow yourself to process your feelings. Things may feel intense (both in a good and in a bad way) so you need to find your equilibrium.
It’s okay if you’re a bit slow today. Your energy levels need rest and relaxation in order to be replenished. Try to finish your tasks early and go to bed earlier than usual.
Be careful what you post on social media today. With Mars still on your sign, it’s possible that something you meant as honest advice comes off as aggressive or even insulting to others.
Your career is on a roll this week, and you love it! You may have a ton of work to do today, to prove you deserve that promotion, but you can do it.
Routine is usually your friend, but today you chaff at it. Switch things around a bit, even if it’s just ordering lunch from a different place or finding a new route to work.
A good day to observe people. You’ll notice that no matter what they say, their true intentions can be revealed through their actions. And once they show you who they are, believe them.
An enchanting, romantic date may take most of your evening today. But until then, try to make more of an effort at work: you have certain long-term professional commitments you need to honor.
Morning yoga? Meditation? Going for a run? Drinking a green smoothie? There are so many ways to take care of yourself! Choose one that resonates with you — you don’t need to do everything.
You’re still in an artistic mood today, and you may find that you’re called to pursue a particular creative project that seems unrelated to your work on a surface level. Trust your calling.
The endeavor to change your domestic situation for the better becomes more clear today. You’ll need to re-imagine what the perfect home feels like for you before you take steps to find it.
If there’s something on your mind, don’t hesitate to share it with a friend. They will probably offer you helpful advice; you’re too close to the situation to consider all the angles yourself.