There are probably some developments at home today, but you may not be able to dedicate the time to handle them. Your work is demanding right now. You can’t split yourself in two.
Not every family member will always be able to support your life decisions, but that doesn’t mean your life decisions are wrong. If you’ve found a way to improve yourself, go for it.
You may have been struggling with money lately, but it’s important to remember you’re not alone. Your family and loved ones are here to help you. All you have to do is ask.
With Mars in your sign squaring the Moon today, your anger levels may rise. Is your significant other or your business partner ready to face your wrath? A compromise may be in order.
Dwelling on the past is not healthy. Try to let go of how things used to be and adapt to your body’s current capabilities. It’s the only way to build a better life.
There may be some tension between your friends and the person you’re currently flirting with, today (or your flirt may be from within your friend circle). Try not to take sides. Be Switzerland.
There’s a lot of exciting but also stressful things that are happening at the office today. It’s been a tough week, and you need to prioritize relaxation if you want to keep going.
Spending time with siblings or close friends may help you reach an epiphany on an important matter you’ve been considering for a while. Change may not seem as scary as it used to.
Money is on your mind today. You haven’t always been the most frugal person, and the battle between spending more on things you need and saving for your family is a hard one.
The Moon in your sign squares Mars today, creating a tug of war between the things you want to do for yourself, and what you need to achieve for others. Take it easy.
You’ve been very decisive with changes in your routine recently, embracing a healthier lifestyle, but today you feel like slipping back to old habits. Don’t panic. One misstep does not mean a disaster.
You may have been yearning for a romantic connection, but it seems like your object of interest is more into being just friends. Don’t push it. Friendship is the right choice for now.