You may need to focus on the needs of your partner today, at home or at work. Don’t pout and don’t make a big deal out of it—everything can’t always be about you.
Some spring cleaning may be in order today, both at your desk at work and at home. Throw away all the things you don’t need; remove the clutter. You’ll feel much better afterward.
There’s more than one way to be creative, and today you’ll get to discover some exciting new ones. This is great, actually, as you’ve been a bit stifled by your day job lately.
A great time to focus on making your home more beautiful. Create a cozy corner where you can nest with a book and your favorite music for hours. The outside world can wait.
You may have difficulty concentrating today. Try to avoid handling serious tasks if at all possible, and stick to things that look fun and exciting to do. After work, hang out with friends.
Money worries may guide your actions today, but try to not overdo it. Yes, you’re trying to save more money, but you also need to ensure you haven’t banned every fun thing from your life.
With the Moon entering your sign today, it’s a great time to start something new. Dare to be impulsive and follow your heart; it will lead you to your next life changing adventure.
You’re usually hard-wired to look out for enemies everywhere (whether they exist or not) but today you may actually encounter one. This person does not have your best interests at heart. Steer clear.
Today, you may find yourself hypersensitive to the words and actions of others. Try to not take things too personally: people may be dealing with their own problems. It’s not always about you.
You’ve always cared about how others perceive you, especially when it comes to figures of authority—and even more so today. Prepare to impress a boss, mentor or father figure. You can do this!
You want to broaden your horizons. If going back to school is not an option, how about listening to a podcast, teaching yourself a new skill or picking up a memoir to read?
Your mood is all over the place today. One moment you’re pondering on the meaning of life and the mysteries of the universe, the next you’re upset over a minor issue. Calm down.