Be careful when signing contracts or making any formal agreements today. Your urge is to say yes to everything, but make sure to read the fine print first, and ask questions if needed.
You might find it hard to resist overspending today, particularly with Venus on your sign demanding you deserve to have nice things. Just make sure to find ways to increase your budget, too.
If you feel drawn to start a new sports activity today, make sure you don’t overextend yourself, or overestimate your abilities. Minor accidents and injuries may occur if you push past your limit.
You may be feeling frustrated without knowing why today, but lashing out or being passive aggressive toward others is not a good idea. Take a moment to meditate and sit with your feelings.
You don’t always have to find practical solutions to problems. Sometimes it’s good to just daydream and consider the most impossible scenarios: allowing your brain to roam free, you might actually strike gold.
If you’ve toyed with the idea of starting your own business for a while, it’s a great time to take the first step in that direction. Test the waters. You can do this!
If your daily life feels boring lately, you have the means to change it — from reading up on destinations to visit one day to learning a new language or trying a different cuisine.
You may yearn for a total makeover in your life today, but you need to be patient. True transformation doesn’t happen overnight: plant the seeds of change, and you’ll start seeing results soon.
Your free time is sacred to you, but these days a loved one or a business partner may require more of your time than usual. If you do value the relationship, you should accommodate them.
You can get a lot done at work these days and while that’s great, make sure you don’t burnout from working too hard. Accept help, even if you don’t feel you need it.
You find yourself more passionate and more needy toward your partner — or, if you’re single, more aggressive about finding a date. Check yourself; you may be coming off too strong for some people.
Despite your usual empathetic nature, lately you’ve been struggling to put yourself in other people’s shoes. It’s okay. You don’t always have to understand everyone’s motivations, just respect them as they respect you.