It’s not in your head: the universe is, indeed, guiding you to succeed at work today. Take your time, weigh your options, as you may have more than one job offer to consider.
Who is a friend you can actually trust, and who an acquaintance you need to be more cautious around? You’ll find out today — and the answer may not be the one you expect.
It might be hard to shake the preconceived notions others have about you, but you’ll need to try. Especially today, when a family secret being revealed might paint you in a different light.
Plan a trip with your significant other — even if the trip date is well into the future. You need something to look forward to, because you’ve gotten in a bit of a rut.
Shared finances are a cause of stress today: you may realize there’s less money in your account than you thought. Whatever you do, try to maintain your calm. A panic attack won’t help.
You may feel like your significant other is neglecting you today. And that might lead you to be more flirty with someone else than you would normally be. Be careful, hearts may break.
You’re feeling anxious and confused today, and the best remedy for that is to go home. Let your family take care of you. It’s okay to be a bit childish, for a change.
You may think your date really likes you, but in reality they may just be stringing you along. Ask your friends for advice: they may offer a fresh insight to your dating drama.
Are you pregnant, or considering getting pregnant soon? It’s time to figure out some of the practical issues associated with your pregnancy. Not everything may be idyllic, but good planning will solve everything.
With the Moon entering your sign today, focusing on everyday tasks may be more challenging than usual. Possible mis-communications and chaos abide. Be careful, pay extra attention, and let your intuition guide you.
Time to reconsider your spending habits. Just because you used to do things a certain way in the past, doesn’t mean you should continue now. Make a better budget, and stick to it.
With the Sun in your sign today in conjunction with Neptune, everything feels a little bit brighter. You’re more optimistic, and things are going your way. You may even attract some new admirers!