Take everything with a grain of salt, today. You’re prone to jumping to conclusions and it can lead to several miscommunications at work and with your friends, if you misunderstand something they said.
You’ll need to try a bit harder at work. You’ve got a good thing going but you can be lazy, sometimes, when you think no one is watching you. Well, people are watching.
Don’t let past fears block you from moving forward and leveling up. You were meant to be a curious, inquisitive spirit who yearns to learn new things constantly. Start today, with something simple.
Today you’re examining your relationships more closely: how honest and open are you, really, with your spouse or partner? Are you sure there are no secrets between you? The answer may surprise you.
Your other half’s moods may trouble you today: is it something you said, or are they just moody? The only way to find out is to ask them, and be willing to listen.
You’re always at your best when you can stick to a schedule and follow a routine, and that goes for your fitness and nutrition as well as your work. Just don’t overdo it.
It’s a great day to express your creative side. Tap into your artistic sensitivities; you can most likely produce something amazing, that will touch many people’s hearts and even bring you money, eventually.
It doesn’t make you weak to seek the comfort and safety of your home, every now and then. Cater to your inner child by watching your comfort shows and eating your favorite snacks.
It feels impossible to concentrate today, with everything you’ve got going on at work. It’s okay: do what you can to complete the mundane, time-sensitive tasks, and leave big decisions for another day.
You usually have a great grasp on your finances, but today you feel the need to splurge. You have this idea of what luxury looks like, and want to emulate that. Why not?
With the Moon entering your sign today, your emotions can get a bit out of whack. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself shedding tears over silly online videos, or overreacting to everything.
Your dreams have always been super evocative and often quite prophetic. Make sure you take note of them, especially these days. Keep a dream journal. Your subconscious has an important message for you.