A really unexpected financial opportunity may come out of nowhere today. Don’t question it; grab the proverbial bull by the horns, you won’t regret it. It may drastically alter your future financial circumstances.
Today is a significant day, with the Moon in conjunction with Uranus in your sign making the impossible possible. Life may surprise you in the best way possible — and you can surprise yourself!
An unexpected person from your past may show up today, looking to reconnect. Consider hearing them out first, before making a decision one way or the other. There’s something you need to know.
Beware of feelings of possessiveness toward a friend today, that may lead to a disagreement. You’re not in kindergarten; it’s okay if your friends also have other people they love spending time with.
Expect the unexpected in your career today. You may end up quitting in a fit of fury over a perceived slight, or you may suddenly take on a new, better position. Stay calm!
Weird and wondrous things are around the corner if you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone — and thankfully, today you are. Take up a new hobby or a sport that scares you!
Secrets may be revealed at home today that will change everything, requiring you to make a new plan for the future. Don’t worry: even if it feels overwhelming at first, you got this.
Take a leap of faith today, when it comes to an important relationship or partnership. It’s okay to not follow the expected relationship timeline; you’re living life on your own terms. Honor that.
Be very careful of unexpected minor accidents or allergy attacks today, particularly if you’ve just started a new sport or activity and are spending a lot of time outside. Hydrate, take it easy.
Today, your creative plans may take a dramatic u-turn as you find yourself focusing on something entirely new, but this is not a bad thing. You’re just making way for something way better.
Your ruler Uranus is in conjunction with the Moon today in your 4th House, making this a day of domestic surprises. Things might break — or you may find the perfect house by accident.
It may baffle you to realize that people don’t always take everything you say exactly how you meant it. Be thoughtful on how you express yourself, so that you don’t hurt any feelings.