With Jupiter still in your sign, opportunities at work may pop up when you least expect them. Rejoice, but don’t say “yes” too quickly though: negotiate carefully, especially when it comes to money.
Resist the urge to give yourself a dramatic makeover today. You can cut or dye your hair if you want to, but avoid any extremes you’ll most likely regret later. Less is more.
You may end up spending more money than you expected today, especially if you’re in the process of starting a brand new business or creative project. But that’s okay. You’re investing in you.
You may be unsure who to trust these days, and end up hanging out with your family. That’s not a bad thing, but it does limit your perspective. Dare to make new friends.
Not everything you’ve been hoping for at work may turn out as you envisioned, but that’s okay. You’re networking, building a support system of people who can lift you up. Opportunities will come.
If you’ve gotten a promotion and a raise lately, you may need to learn how to cope with your current financial situation. Stop carrying generational trauma about money: being rich is not bad.
Sometimes, the people closest to you are the ones who can let you down the most. But that’s okay. You’ll recover, and meet new people — perhaps on this business trip you’re soon going.
Be extra careful today when signing any contracts (avoid or postpone signing them, if you can). Read the fine print as closely as you can, to ensure you’re getting the best possible deal.
Don’t get disappointed if you slip up on your diet or exercise regime today. Everyone has off days: losing one battle doesn’t mean you have to give up the war entirely. Keep going!
A recent flirt may stop replying to your texts today. Don’t take it to heart: they may be busy with other things; it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not into you. Wait and see.
Issues with your home keep coming back because you’re unwilling to address them. Moving to a different house (or country) is very stressful, but you need to face facts: it may be time.
Not every “close” friend truly has your best interests at heart. Be more discerning with the people you trust, and allow yourself to change your mind about them when presented with new information.