After a lot of financial stress lately, today you’re entering a phase where money seems to be flowing to you more freely. Make smart choices, spend a little, and set a little aside.
With Mercury finally turning direct in your sign today, you’re starting to feel like yourself again. But that doesn’t mean you should get back to old, bad habits! Embrace a new, improved you.
You may be ready to forgive and forget, after a period of holding grudges and examining past trauma. And about time: career opportunities are on their way, and you need to be focused.
It may be time to make some new friends. You’ve been hesitant when it comes to trusting new people with your true self, but it will be good to expand your friend circle.
With Mercury turning direct today on your 10th House, all the roadblocks to your career advancement disappear. It’s time to sign contracts and accept that promotion; time to take center stage at work.
A trip you’ve been dreaming about for a while becomes a tangible possibility. Don’t let your overwhelming routine and work responsibilities prevent you from taking this time off to travel. You need it.
The dust has settled. You can see which of the people closest to you really deserves to be there, and which may have been taking advantage of you all this time. Act accordingly.
If an important relationship (romantic or professional) has felt stagnant for a while, with Mercury turning direct today expect your communication to become smoother again. Yes, you do still care for one another.
If you’ve felt like you’ve been drowning in tasks, never managing to finish anything on time, things will get better this week. You’re able to concentrate more, and check things off your list.
Today, you feel your creativity returning — if you suffered from writer’s or artist’s block, the ideas are flowing again. Oh, and that flirt that had mysteriously disappeared last month? They may return now.
Conflicts that have been festering for a while at home now seem more likely to be resolved. Be understanding and empathetic during these difficult conversations, but also stay mindful of your own boundaries.
With the Moon entering your sign today, avoid any direct confrontation — particularly with a close friend or a sibling you have been quibbling for a while now. Take some time, mull things over.