Today you’re determined to complete all your tasks, organize your life, and start taking better care of yourself. Your enthusiasm is admirable and will carry you a long way. Just don’t forget to hydrate!
A creative day that allows you to tap into your inner artist. Even though Mercury retrograde in your sign makes new beginnings hard, you can experiment with art freely—as a hobby, for now.
Your usual extrovert self takes a step back today, as tensions at work make you want to retreat to the comfort and safety of your home. Honestly, that’s not such a bad idea.
You’re feeling overwhelmed by how many things you need to accomplish today and how many people are waiting to hear back from you (in a personal or professional setting). But you got this!
The need to surround yourself with beautiful and expensive trinkets is gnawing at you today. Try to separate your idea of success and happiness from material gains; it’s better for your mental health.
With the Moon entering your sign today, you may become two things you usually dread: irrational and emotional. Don’t worry about it. Expressing your vulnerable side only makes you more relatable to others.
Today, thoughts of how things used to be—both at work and at home, with your important other—torment you. Try to find happiness in the now, or decide to make some long overdue changes.
Be more open on social media. Maintaining an air of mystique is part of your brand, but actually opening up and sharing parts of your life will help you more than you know.
Focus at work and at achieving your professional goals today, and leave the rest to the Universe. Worrying about every little thing, especially with Mercury still retrograde, will only sabotage your long-term efforts.
You’re never too old to learn new things. You believe this with all your heart, and today is a great day to enforce it. Start a new course or learn a new language.
Pay close attention to any secrets that may be revealed today, especially when it comes to family and shared finances. You may learn something that will change how you view a family member.
Spending the day catering to the needs of your partner, whether at work or at home, may sound like you’re neglecting yourself, but you’re not. This will be good for both of you.