Get ready for a manic Monday, with lots of errands that need to be run and countless texts, e-mails and phone calls that need answering. Try to stay calm and polite throughout it.
Today, comparing your wealth to that of others (and feeling like you’re lagging behind) may be very tempting. Don’t fall into that trap. Neither success nor happiness are solely defined by bank accounts.
You may be feeling extra emotional today, with the Moon in your sign highlighting all your emotions. Give yourself time to feel all the feels. You may learn some surprising things about yourself.
Today, your intuition is very on point. A dream you had may be warning you about the intentions of someone in your life. Don’t ignore it. Take time to consider what it means.
Your usual Leonine generosity is off the charts today. You’re eager to help those less fortunate and give back to the community. How about finding a local charity or collective to contribute to?
A father figure or mentor may play a key part to a decision you’re thinking of making today. Listen to him; his experience will definitely help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
Today your usual routine may feel suffocating. Try switching it around: find new exercise tutorials, get lunch from a different place, listen to an audiobook you wouldn’t normally choose. You need the variety.
Resist overanalyzing everything today. Not all your interactions with people have hidden meanings—it’s okay if you take some experiences at face value and don’t try to make them more than they actually are.
A confrontation with your significant other may upset you today, but don’t shy away from it. If you both air your annoyances with each other honestly, you’ll end up feeling closer than before.
Your work means a lot to you, but try not to take everything work-related too personally. A professional rejection or failure at a task doesn’t mean anything about your worth as a person.
It might be Monday, but you’re still in a weekend state of mind—and that’s not a bad thing. Socialize with colleagues, and meet up with friends (or a date) for drinks after work.
Boundaries and balance are the theme of the day: you may have a lot to do at work, but don’t carry work frustrations at home, as that may lead to quarrels with family.