The weekend finds you in a mood to meet up with friends, share your art, flirt. You’ve been a bit of an introvert lately, so now is your chance to shake it off.
It’s okay if the most important relationship in your life right now is with your best friend or with your family. You’re entering a phase of growth and self-fulfillment; romantic relationships can wait.
You may end up spending a bit extra today if you go out with friends, but it’s okay. Share in the good times and don’t be stingy about your money. More will come.
Today, you yearn for attention — and deserve it. Wear something sparkly and go out for a drink. Getting out of your comfort zone may take some effort, but it will be worth it.
Turbulence and change in your relationship may make you extra emotional, but it will be for the best in the long run. Honor your feelings, and allow yourself to experience all of them.
You may be low energy today. It’s best to stay at home, find a good book or show, and just forget the world for a while. It will still be there next week.
It’s possible that a certain someone at work is starting to be more than a co-worker for you. Feelings may complicate your work relationship, but they’re worth exploring. (If you’re single, of course.)
You’ve always been drawn to the mysterious and the unknown, and today you may meet a charming stranger who will make you reconsider your life… or at the very least, your weekend plans.
Relationships need to evolve. You know this, and it scares you. But being able to have important, serious conversations with your significant other is a sign of emotional maturity. You can do it.
Remember: we’re supposed to share the bad times as well as the good times. Don’t shut your family out when things get hard. You don’t have to carry the world on your shoulders.
You’ve acquired some healthier habits lately, and they’ve started making a difference. Sure, you may not party as hard as before, but you’ll also be less fatigued, dehydrated and hungover come Monday morning.
Keep believing in romance, or at least to the possibility of it. Even if they don’t work out in the end, connections like the one you’ll make this weekend make life worth living.