A great new financial opportunity might present itself today. As long as you’ve crossed your t’s and dotted your i’s, there’s no reason not to take it. It can potentially change your life!
With the New Moon in your sign today, a new chapter begins that you’ve been envisioning and getting glimpses of all week. Embracing the change may be hard for you, but it’s necessary.
This week has been about coming to terms with your past and forgiving your past self (and others) for mistakes made. Today is the culmination of that. Time to look to the future.
With Venus still in your sign, your ability to make others see eye to eye with you is at an all-time high. Use this today: you may need to lead a new group.
Your week has been all about career achievements; getting recognized for them. And the New Moon today in your 10th house, ensures that you will be. Starting a new job is likely, too.
This is your sign to escape the mundane and do something out of character and extra-ordinary. Like a last minute weekend getaway. So very unlike you, and yet so necessary for your soul.
Don’t keep any secrets now. A new era of understanding, honesty and transparency begins today between you and your partner, particularly when it comes to shared finances. You’ll be so much stronger together!
A life-changing proposal, whether to get married or to start a new business partnership may surprise you today. And by “surprise”, I mean “you’ve been expecting this all week but you’ll act surprised.”
You’re entering a phase where you finally learn that it’s okay to put your health and well-being first. It doesn’t make you less “cool” to say no to activities that would exhaust you.
Look out for an offer coming your way today. You may not know how seriously you’re supposed to take it yet, but it’s certainly exciting. A leap of faith may be in order!
If you’ve been searching for a new house, or made moves to sell or buy one, today you’ll get some very positive news. A whole new era of redefining domesticity begins for you!
Pay attention to the way you communicate with people, even those you don’t consider part of your inner circle. A new friend stepping into your life today may be very important moving forward.