You’re thinking about how to plan your budget and inject some joy into your life without breaking the bank. It’s not impossible, you just need to pick the right things to splurge in.
Today is a great day to tend to domestic issues. You can make your house prettier, or you can find a prettier house to call home. Both are possible; the choice is yours.
There’s someone in your life lately, who may be just a friend… but they may also be something more. It’s okay to explore the “what if’s” and not commit to anything concrete yet.
Today you yearn for comfort and luxury, and gravitate toward those who can offer you that. It’s okay to know what you want and go for it — doesn’t make you a bad person.
With both Venus and Mars in your sign, if you see someone you like, chances are you’ll charm them. Be careful, though: your spontaneity in matters of the heart is not always wise.
Someone you’ve loved very much and had epic fights with in the past may make a come-back. You are now wise enough to see their side of the story, but also set boundaries.
As you start becoming intrigued by someone in your social circle, you need to ask yourself: is it wiser to just remain acquaintances? Will you be more beneficial to one another like that?
You’re extremely driven and motivated at work, but be careful: you tend to view everything as an opportunity to network and pitch your ideas, and that may not always be perceived so well.
You want to move abroad and change your whole life… Experience new things, see the sun set in new landscapes. It’s not impossible, but you need a plan. Wanting won’t make it so.
You don’t usually fall for the brooding, mysterious types, but there’s something about an enigmatic co-worker or family acquaintance that intrigues you. Pursue it, but be careful: “brooding” doesn’t always mean “emotionally stable.”
You are the most independent sign in all of the zodiac, but today you’re learning that it’s not cringe to find someone you can rely on. Or to tell them how you feel.
People who seem like they know what they’re doing at any given moment have always beguiled you. Today, you feel attracted to one such person. Don’t change who you are for them, though!