Your work efforts deserve recognition. Today, you’re actively demanding it instead of waiting for your superiors to realize how irreplaceable you are. Good for you! With Jupiter on your side, you can’t lose.
If you’re feeling bored today, you need to challenge your brain more. Start an online course, take on a craft, or learn a new language. It might come in handy sooner than you think.
You’re not often moody and silent, but today you’ll need the extra space to make an important decision. It’s better to say nothing (for a while) than say the wrong thing.
You want everyone to like you at work, but it’s not always possible. Your colleagues don’t owe you friendship. If you’re yearning for connection today, meet up for drinks with your real friends.
Focus on moving your body today: whether it’s a yoga class, pilates, or some kind of dancing and stretching, conscious movement will help alleviate not just your physical pain but also your stress.
You usually second-guess yourself, but today you need to allow for some spontaneity in your life. You have some great creative instincts that can only be expressed when you stop holding yourself back.
It’s okay if you’re a bit moody and introverted today. Stay at home with a hot beverage and a good book, keeping the world at bay. You can always be social again tomorrow.
A short trip with friends may be just what the doctor ordered today. Take advantage of how uncharacteristically extroverted you feel, and go somewhere nice with friends you haven’t seen in a while.
You’ve never been particularly materialistic, but the need to surround yourself with shiny, pretty objects is very strong today. If you can’t fight it, at least try to limit how much you’ll spend.
Being objective may prove to be very difficult today, so it’s best to postpone any important work or health-related decisions for next week, if possible. Focus on finding joy and relaxation instead.
As secrets are coming up to the surface today, your list of the people you can truly trust may change dramatically. That’s okay: it’s better to know than to keep fake friends.
A need to help others less fortunate than you overwhelms you today. Find a charity that speaks to your values or a cause to invest time and money in. It will enrich your life.