In a world where stress, emotional pain, and physical ailments can overwhelm our well-being, Simon North, founder of Anam Cara Energy Healing, is dedicated to guiding people and spaces towards a profound sense of balance and healing. With a deep commitment to addressing the root causes of both physical and emotional discomfort, Simon’s practice uses VortexHealing® — a powerful, divine energy healing system designed to reach the core of health issues and facilitate long-lasting transformation. Through his unique approach, Simon also works with spaces, using energy healing to clear blockages and change the vibration of homes, workplaces, and creative environments, helping to optimize them for productivity, peace, and clarity. In this insightful interview, we delve into Simon’s holistic approach to healing, the transformative power of VortexHealing®, and the incredible impact of working with nature. Join Mystic Mag as we explore how energy healing can not only help individuals but also transform the spaces we inhabit.
VortexHealing® is a powerful system of divine energy healing. Can you share with us what drew you to this particular modality, and how it’s different from other forms of energy healing?
Great question. I experienced it myself as a healing practice, and I was blown away by how deep and powerful it is. At the time, I was already practicing crystal healing and learning Reiki, so I had begun doing channeled healing. But when I received VortexHealing® from a practitioner, I was amazed by how effective it was. I researched it further and found that a foundational course was coming up, so I signed up. This was in 2021, at the beginning of the year, and that’s when I began my journey with it. On day one, I thought it was incredible.
I think, in many ways, VortexHealing® is unique, but ultimately, that’s for people to decide for themselves. In my opinion, the training teaches us to become a channel for divine energy. This is an ancient healing art that has helped humanity survive for thousands of years, long before modern medicine. It’s about channeling divine energy and finding the root cause of what’s happening in the energy system and the body. We are more than just our physical bodies; we are a complex energy system with many dimensions and layers. These layers make up what it means to be human.
VortexHealing® can access all these layers and levels, which is why I particularly like it. It’s the only form of healing I’ve encountered that also includes an element of awakening. As you progress along the path, you undergo your own awakening experience in the classes provided by the lineage holder, Rick Weinman. As practitioners, we must become awakened so we can perform higher levels of VortexHealing® for our clients.
VortexHealing® is very precise in what it does. It works on releasing human conditioning and emotional charge, and again, it’s the only healing method I’ve encountered that can actually address the karma and genetics that are causing our problems.
Energy blockages can manifest in many different ways. How do you identify where these blockages are, either within a person or within a space, and what steps do you take to clear them?
That’s really why I like it. It works very well online, and of course, it works in person as well. It can also help release what’s built up in spaces, which is very important because we all live somewhere. The places we live are very much like the human body and can experience blockages too.
We’re taught in our classes, and we have regular sessions. We are continually referred to as students, and this is a lifelong process. This year, I’ll have four major classes, and sensing is a big part of that. All human beings have the ability to sense things. For example, if you’re walking down the street, sometimes you can sense that someone is behind you. We all have this ability, but with training, you can really sharpen it so that it becomes psychic sensing. It’s incredible what it can do. You can literally feel, or if you’re advanced enough, you may even begin to see psychically a blockage in someone’s energy system. Then, you can channel into it, break it down, and release it—in simple terms.
What type of services do you offer?
I work in person in the room you see behind me. I’m located in a village called Sere Green in Buckinghamshire, very near Beaconsfield, just west of London, between London and… (there might be more missing here if you meant to mention a specific place).
I see clients who live in this local area, but as I mentioned earlier, VortexHealing® works incredibly well at a distance. I’m able to help people worldwide, and I do have clients in other countries whom I’ve never met in person. We can still go on a very deep healing journey, simply using a Zoom call. All of our training is done on Zoom, so in the realm where we’re working, there is no time or space. I realize this might sound a bit far-fetched for some, but we are working with energy and quantum physics, so these are the principles upon which distance healing is based.
Those are the services I offer. My specialty is healing spaces. I’m often called to a space where someone is feeling unwell or unhappy, or it might be a working space, like an artist’s studio, where there’s a creative blockage. That’s a very common issue.
The idea of “Healing with Trees” takes your energy healing work into nature. Can you describe the experience of working with trees during your workshops and how nature itself contributes to the healing process?
This whole journey with the energy of trees and healing started in 2020, when our movements were restricted, and we couldn’t go anywhere. I started spending a lot of time in my local woods, which are ancient. I was particularly drawn to an oak tree. I just felt a strong pull to sit with this oak tree, so I started going there to meditate. It was a peaceful spot in nature, very quiet, and I could meditate in the presence of this great tree.
As I did this, I began to feel the energy of the tree itself and its spirit. Over time, I started receiving wisdom from the tree. This led me on a journey of discovery, and I researched more about the energy of trees. I learned that there is an ancient mythology around different trees, with each one having its own unique energy and qualities. Ancient people revered these trees, and there’s a poster on my wall of the Ogham calendar, which is the oldest alphabet in existence. It’s a calendar made up of 21 indigenous trees of the British Isles, each representing different aspects and healing qualities.
At the same time, I was going on my VortexHealing® journey, and I was lucky that my teacher also had a deep affinity for healing in nature. I was able to receive guidance from him. I then developed a practice where I would take groups of people out into nature, encouraging them to connect with the energy of the trees. We’d meditate and open up to the tree’s wisdom, which brought profound healing. People had insights, and it was a deeply transformative experience.
It’s been an incredible journey. I also incorporate aspects of VortexHealing® into these sessions. When I have a group in the woods meditating, I can blend VortexHealing® with the energy of the trees, especially the aspect of Gaia, the beloved Earth Mother energy. Ultimately, we are all part of Gaia, and Gaia can hold that space and add to the healing that the tree provides. So, it has become a whole new healing practice of its own.
Space and environment have such a significant impact on our energy. What advice do you have for individuals looking to maintain positive energy in their own homes or workspaces between professional clearing sessions?
First of all, you have to look beyond the building itself and start with the land beneath it. The land the building is built upon contains the energy that the building reflects. For example, if the land has had a battle in the past—let’s say from the English Civil War 300 years ago, or even longer—this energy can be held in that place. If hundreds of people died and many animals were killed, that energy can stay there, just like it can in a person’s body.
Identifying this is really critical. Many people try to clear their space with crystals or smudging, but that’s very surface-level. If you want to truly address what’s going on, you need to work with the land the building is built on and heal that first. Then, from the ground up, you can work through the space itself. Things like painting the walls or hanging spiritual pictures may not really help. There are various techniques for clearing space, and holding intention is important. It really depends on whether the person is connected to the space and can form an energy connection. For example, Reiki can be used to clear a space, and practitioners use this technique. Something like that is essential if you want to really get into the depth of the healing process.
I would say to anyone with a gift for channeling: look at the land first. Work from the ground up, because that’s when you’ll really begin to understand what’s going on. The planet has areas of geopathic stress, places where the energy doesn’t flow properly. Buildings can be built in these areas, and that requires significant technical intervention to change. Not everyone is capable of dealing with this—they need to know what they’re doing. Sometimes homes or offices are located near mobile phone towers or pylons with electrical currents running through them. These high-voltage sources can disturb the energy of a living space. All these factors affect us as humans, and they can affect your space as well.
That said, keeping your space clear is important. Crystals can be quite helpful, but they only touch the surface at the vibrational level; they won’t address the deeper healing. You can change the vibration of a room, and if it’s a space where you sleep, crystals, water features, and other methods might help. But they won’t get to the core of the issue.
I hope this advice is useful. This is a specialty of mine, and it’s a technical process. As I’ve continued my journey, I’ve learned more techniques. Of course, people who are experts in this area include those who practice Feng Shui, as they understand how energy flows through a property and building. While I’m not fully familiar with their techniques for working with the land, they do assess the location of buildings and can tell if it’s a good or bad place for a building.
This is the kind of work people need to understand, as it’s essential for well-being. It’s very, very important.
Find out more at: https://www.anamcaraenergyhealing.com/
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