Exploring the depths of past life regression, Mark Beale shares his journey and insights in an exclusive interview with MysticMag.
With over 5,000 regression sessions and years of experience as a certification trainer, he encapsulates his knowledge in Past Life Awakening, a book designed for both curious readers and experienced healers. Unlike other works that skim the surface, Beale dives deep into seven case studies, offering a detailed look at the regression process from start to finish.
In this interview, he discusses his inspiration, the inclusion of spirit releasement, and the transformative power of past life recall.
What inspired you to write your book of past life case studies, Past Life Awakening?
Since 2006 I’ve given over five thousand regression sessions, and since 2012 I’ve been a certification trainer, so it’s time to encapsulate the work done in partnership with my clients and students.
The book is for people inspired by Brian Weiss, Michael Newton, and Dolores Cannon. Since their first books came out, readers have now more sophisticated; they’re not discovering these ideas for the first time, they’ve had their own sessions, or training to give sessions. And other books on past lives often have many very abbreviated case studies, with little initial context or description of the process used to get the results.
So I decided to write a book with a much lower quantity of case studies, but with much more depth, by having just seven representative case studies. This lets me include much of the crucial setup and interviews before the sessions, the dialogue and thought process during the sessions, and the follow-up after. This also allows for much more technical detail that’s educational for sophisticated readers and healers at one level, yet it remains accessible for all as it reads like a novel with space for character development and complete narratives.
I want the reader to feel they are in the therapy room as the story unfolds, learning not just the outcome of the sessions, but also the process of achieving the outcome. I want readers to understand the thinking that leads to the resolutions, and to see ‘behind-the-scenes’ of how past life stories are really extracted and realized.
I want readers to understand the moral of the story because the ultimate purpose of past life and spiritual regression is spiritual awakening, which cuts to the root cause of all issues, and reveals spiritual laws.
These case studies are real people, and most were online sessions, recorded using Zoom. One of the cases is Meg, a psychologist who gave permission to use her name and her sessions as a video, so you can see it on YouTube, or in more detail as a six-hour online course called “Past Life Regression Demonstrated”.
Why have you included spirit release of attached entities like Earthbound Spirits, DFEs and ETs in your book?
As more people go deeper into regression therapies and spiritual awakenings, they find more light – and the brighter the light, the darker the shadow.
In past lives and between lives we meet three main types of light spirits; 1) Spirit Guides who help us review and preview our lives, 2) Soul Group, the souls of those we repeatedly reincarnate with, and 3) The Masters or Soul Council who oversee our many incarnations.
While doing this, many people or practitioners find a karmic connection to discover three other types of spirits, that can be ‘darker’; 1) Earthbound spirits who are lost or resistant to moving into the Light, 2) Dark Force Entities who actively try to block people from the Light, and 3) ETs who can be positive, but can also be indifferent or negative.
This area was brilliantly explored by William J. Baldwin in his 1992 book Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, yet it remains largely misunderstood.
There are hypnotherapists who say, “I’ve worked with the subconscious mind for decades, and I’ve hardly ever seen a client go into a past life, so I don’t think past lives are real or helpful.” Past life regression therapists may then think these hypnotherapists have a limited understanding of the potential of the subconscious.
Yet, these same past life regression therapists can say, “I’ve worked with past lives for decades, and I’ve hardly ever seen a client with entity attachments, so I don’t think they are real or helpful.”
People are increasingly being called to work with this – often even if they initially don’t believe in it, or think they don’t want to. Often this is due to a minor misunderstanding, leading to doubts and hesitations that prevent them from learning to skillfully help. Once people get past that, it’s a challenging yet rewarding and helpful modality. It pushes therapists to grow their technical ability and their own personal spiritual development.
Many healers have begun this kind of work, at a simple level – they find an entity or attachment, and send it to the light in minutes. Yet this work can continue to a whole other level, where we engage various entity types conversationally for hours to untie complex bonds. This can include regressing the attached entities to their own past lives and removing entities that are attached to entities that are attached to our client. These layers require high-level skills in hypnotherapy, past and between lives, so are a great next step for experienced therapists.
It’s fine for past-life therapists to decide not to do spirit releasement if they don’t have a genuine karmic connection or purpose to do the work. But decisions made due to doubts and hesitations, with limiting beliefs based on limited research, or blocking emotions like worry, place an unnecessary limit on healers’ abilities and their client’s outcomes.
Including these sections in the book may be a controversial decision to some, but the time to omit such things has passed, and the prevalence of cases that require this approach is increasing. It’s time for the appropriate healers to get educated in this area, and potentially add this skill to their practice.
Have you recalled your own past lives?
Yes, I’ve recalled many past lives to some degree, and some past lives in detail.
The key to past lives is in their connection to this life. The key to verifying the connection of a past life comes with visceral emotions.
So the past lives you recall at each stage of your life have everything to do with the context, issues, and emotions you face at that time.
For example, by my early thirties, I had spent years in India, studying the subconscious mind, yoga, and Buddhist meditation, including an inspiring meeting with the Dalai Lama. Yet I still felt a conflict between the conventional path and the spiritual path. After much seeking and researching many possible paths, it was time for me to commit to and master one path, but I had doubts and hesitations.
During a past life regression training class in New Delhi, we had a group regression. I recalled being in the sixteen hundreds as a comfortably off Indian man, also in his early thirties. The key scene I was in was a powerful and inspiring meeting with a great sage. But when we played it forward to twenty years later, he was now in his fifties – but not much had changed. I was confused, but then it dawned on me – the absence of change and self-development was the message.
In that life, I’d felt drawn to teachers and the spiritual path, but I’d put it off until ‘tomorrow.’ I’d been complacent, and excessively comfortable. Tomorrow never came, and then twenty years flashed by.
With that realization, I felt a deep visceral emotion of piercing regret, that choked my throat and came with layers of sadness and shame. Part of me had doubted the visuals, but the visceral emotions felt all too real.
The realization then came with a sense of knowing and seeing connections. In that life, I had squandered precious opportunities. I misjudged the urgency implicit in the passage of time. I sleepwalked through pointless comfort, only to awaken decades later, when it seemed too late, with deep regret.
The connection to this life was clear; again I had enough comfort to seek and meet inspiring spiritual teachers. Now I realized I must not let doubts and hesitations prevent me from taking precious opportunities. I did not want to again ‘wake up’ in my fifties and again feel the pain of regret at paths not taken.
That past life regression was twenty years ago. Because of it, and a number of others, I overcame my doubts and hesitations, by taking real actions day by day. I’ve now entered by fifties in this life, and can look back on the last twenty years without regret, but with satisfaction and joy having finally taken my opportunities better. So now I can share the stories and techniques I’ve forged over the last decades in a book.
How do you work with students in your Past Life Awakening Institute?
I see ‘past life regression’ as being an indivisible union of hypnosis, hypnotherapy, past life regression, and between lives regression. Sometimes people ask me, ‘What can I do to get great at past life regression?’ The answer is, to also be great at hypnosis and regression-based hypnotherapy.
My hypnotist and hypnotherapist courses emphasize and teach regression skills that are crucial to success in the past life regression course. (People do find that some initial past life work can still come up even while doing ‘only’ the This Life courses.) We don’t underestimate the value or spiritual nature of high-level This Life regression. Between lives regression also often happens spontaneously during regression sessions, so we teach how to manage that, and how to initiate it.
I offer initial ‘video courses’ on Udemy and my Past Life Awakening Institute for people who are interested in knowing more about these modalities.
I offer advanced ‘mentored training’ at my Past Life Awakening Institute, for professional-level healers. Half of my advanced students are conventionally trained healers like psychologists, the other half are experienced healers active in spiritual modalities.
I have a well-crafted process that students put into practice with their paying clients. For hypnotherapy and past life regression, they take three clients through an extensive intake process, and then a program of three sessions of ninety minutes each. Students write up assignments covering their sessions, then get individually mentored by me via a ninety-minute Zoom call. So I spend eighteen hours individually over twelve calls with each student. Each student graduates having done thirty-six real sessions with real clients.
I find a lot of people have graduated from hypnotherapy or past life regression courses but struggle to last in the ‘real world’, or progress to higher levels. So my training offering is really based around one-to-one very personal mentoring with an expert veteran, so they’ve got a better chance to really become that themselves.
What final message do you have for people interested in past lives?
Take practical ongoing action. Don’t let doubts and hesitations prevent you from doing the real work and gaining your own personal felt experience. Knowledge can be learned from others, but wisdom comes from experience. Hypnotic states offer a path into your own subconscious inner visions, feelings, and knowing. For healers, actually doing hypnosis and regression with your clients opens the door to magical wisdom.
If you want to recall your own past lives;
– I have courses with two hours of contextual resources and training, and a program of three one-hour hypnosis audios, such as “Past Lives For Healers” and “Past Lives For Soulmates and Relationships”.
– Personal interactive sessions of past life regression are the most effective, preferably as a program of three to five sessions of ninety minutes each, which I still offer through my Past Life Awakening website.
If you’re a healer wanting to give past life regression sessions, check out my video courses and mentored training at my website.
My book, Past Life Awakening: Seven Regression Case Studies Illustrate Seven Spiritual Laws, is a good place to start to get an overview and idea of how all this fits together. It’s designed for all levels, so it can help both experienced healers improve their practices, and help anyone along the path of spiritual awakening gain insights.
Find out more at: www.pastlifeawakeninginstitute.com