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Midlife Magic with Dr. Juju Love

Midlife Magic with Dr. Juju Love

Dr. JuJu Love is a transformational coach, intuitive healer, and naturopathic expert with over 20 years of experience. As the founder of Radiant Life Compass, she combines her clairsentience and healing gifts with various modalities such as reiki, oriental medicine, and sound healing. Dr. JuJu is dedicated to helping others unlock their inner magic and embrace midlife with joy and celebration. MysticMag has the pleasure of discovering more.

Dr JuJu, what can you tell us about your own personal spiritual journey and how you have become the person you are today?

My spiritual journey began over a quarter century ago, in a completely unexpected and life-altering way. At the time, I was in my 30s and knew nothing about spirituality, healing, or consciousness. I was merely going through the motions, living what I thought was the “American dream”—a good job, marriage, a house. On the surface, life appeared perfect, but deep down, I was dissatisfied without understanding why. Then one day, I had a vivid, almost surreal experience where I found myself on my deathbed as an old woman, filled with profound regret. I realized I had never truly lived, only checked off societal boxes without ever following my heart.
This revelation left me deeply depressed, but in that darkness, a spark ignited within me. Observing the universe’s harmony, I wondered if there was a purpose for my existence too. I began seeking answers—who was I, what was my purpose, what made my heart sing? Although I had no spiritual background, I felt called to meditate daily, setting an intention to connect with my higher guidance.
This practice eventually led to a profound spiritual awakening during a healing workshop I hosted. Twice during the workshop, powerful surges of energy coursed through me, bringing overwhelming sadness followed by indescribable joy. These experiences taught me that emotions are meant to flow through us completely, leaving no lingering traces. I also realized that we are all one with the divine source, and the illusion of separation creates sadness, while alignment with our true nature brings pure joy.
That awakening marked the descent of my spirit into my body, activating my gifts of healing, intuition, and deep connection to the divine. From that moment on, I was guided by my inner goddess, which led me to study naturopathic medicine, travel to Peru to work with shamans, and eventually create the Radiant Life Compass Method—a holistic framework to help women navigate their transformation with clarity, purpose, and radiant joy.

You describe yourself as a clairsentient, intuitive healer, coach, and naturopathic doctor. Can you share how your unique combination of talents and experiences plays a role in guiding individuals to be empowered and embody their Divine Presence?

Each of these roles brings a unique facet to my work. As a clairsentient, I have the ability to sense and feel energy, allowing me to deeply understand the emotional and energetic shifts my clients experience—often before they are consciously aware of them. This heightened sensitivity enables me to guide them to the root of their challenges and support them in profound ways by tapping into these insights. My role as an intuitive healer complements this, as I employ a variety of energy healing tools, including my Harmonic Flow Method, chakra balancing, sound healing, Reiki, and Neuro Emotional Technique, to restore balance in the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. This process helps release stagnant energy and realign my clients with their true divine essence, empowering them to move forward with clarity and vitality.
As a naturopathic expert, I offer a grounded, holistic approach to wellness by incorporating nutrition, herbal medicine, and mindful lifestyle practices. This ensures that my clients’ physical well-being is in harmony with their spiritual growth, acknowledging the importance of tending to both body and soul. Lastly, as a transformational coach, I guide women through my Radiant Life Compass Method—a comprehensive system I developed to bring together all these elements. This method helps them embody their divine presence, focusing on seven directions, with the seventh being the divine center of their being.
Through this integrative approach, I empower women not only to heal but to fully embrace their divine essence, allowing them to live with purpose, joy, freedom, and radiant authenticity.

Your mission is to help individuals achieve a joyous, fulfilling, and authentic life of purpose. How do you assist people in gaining more energy, clarity, calmness, and balance while reducing anxiety, overwhelm, and burnout?

My work is deeply rooted in helping women reconnect with their true radiant selves by aligning with their soul’s purpose. When we are aligned with our inner truth, life flows more effortlessly, and anxiety, burnout, and overwhelm often stem from living out of alignment with our true desires and following external expectations instead. Through the Radiant Life Compass Method, a comprehensive system, I offer women a clear path to regain their energy, clarity, and calmness by focusing on seven directions, with six key areas before reaching the seventh—the heart, the center of who we truly are.
These seven key areas include grounding, clarity of vision, realigning with passion, emotional flow, spiritual connection, and following inner guidance. Together, we assess where they feel stuck, overwhelmed, or off balance and focus on the specific direction that will help them get back on track. For example, if a woman feels depleted, we emphasize grounding practices such as self-care rituals, reconnecting with the body through movement and nature, or even evaluating her nutrition and how she’s nourishing herself. If she feels disconnected from her purpose, we explore her soul’s desires and clarify what truly drives her, naturally reducing burnout by reconnecting her with her authentic self.
This empowers women to make choices aligned with their well-being, helping them feel inspired, energized, and excited about life again. I also provide tools to reduce stress and anxiety, including meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, and simple energy healing techniques they can use daily to stay centered and calm in the face of life’s challenges. My goal is to help them reclaim their joy, release what no longer serves them, and live with a deep sense of peace and purpose.

What guidance or techniques do you offer to help amazing midlife women avoid burnout while fulfilling their calling?

One crucial element I’d add is embracing the power of boundaries and learning to say “no” without guilt. So many women, especially middle-aged women, are conditioned to prioritize others’ needs, often at the expense of their own energy and well-being. This can lead to exhaustion and burnout. Reclaiming their time and energy through intentional self-care is essential—not just the surface-level acts like manicures, which have their place, but deeper, more meaningful practices that nourish them from the inside out.
One of the key techniques I offer is grounding practices, which are integral to the Radiant Life Compass Method. These can be as simple as starting the day with a mindful morning ritual, spending time in nature (a powerful way to ground oneself), or practicing deep, conscious breathing. Breath is not only a source of oxygen but also carries life force energy. Grounding creates a stable foundation from which women can pursue their callings without feeling depleted.
Another key aspect I help women reconnect with is their inner child, which brings a sense of play, joy, spontaneity, and creativity. Joy, as I often say, is our true nature, and rediscovering it is essential to living a fulfilling life and avoiding burnout. Creativity and play aren’t just for children—by guiding women to rediscover what truly lights them up, whether it’s through dance, art, or other creative pursuits, I help them tap into a wellspring of renewed energy.
Lastly, I encourage women to follow their inner guidance, learning to trust their intuition when making decisions. When they align with their soul’s desires, they naturally avoid burnout because they’re doing what truly nourishes them on a deep, soulful level. True inner guidance will always lead them to choices that uplift and help them evolve, rather than deplete them.

Your “Soul Spark” Sessions are designed to help individuals reconnect with their true essence and reignite their inner passion. Could you explain what someone can expect from this transformative experience and how it impacts their journey?

The Soul Spark Session is a one-on-one transformative experience designed to reignite the inner spark that may have dimmed over time. This session is all about reconnecting with your true essence—your soul’s spark—while reigniting your passion and creating a clear vision for the next chapter of your life.
We begin by tapping into the core of who you are, rediscovering the vibrant energy that fuels your soul. Together, we explore what truly brings you joy and makes you feel most alive. Then, we craft a vivid vision of your evolved self—who you want to become and what your next chapter looks like. This isn’t just about dreaming; it’s about creating a clear, actionable path to make that vision a reality.
Once we’ve shaped your vision, we work on identifying and dissolving any subconscious barriers that may be holding you back from living to your fullest potential. Often, hidden beliefs like “Why not me?” or “This can’t happen for me” can quietly sabotage progress. In this session, we lovingly bring these barriers to light and clear them away.
By the end of the session, you’ll leave with a sense of clarity, empowerment, and renewed energy to confidently move into the next phase of your life. The Soul Spark Session is a powerful catalyst for change, helping you realign with your purpose, take actionable steps, and step fully into the life you are meant to live.

In your work, you aim to ignite the spark within individuals and help them feel more inspired than ever. What are some transformative experiences or success stories from individuals you’ve worked with that illustrate the positive impact of your approach?

One of my favorite transformative stories comes from a client who had spent over 20 years in a high-stress corporate job. She was completely burnt out and felt disconnected from her passions, often expressing that she had forgotten what brought her joy. Feeling stuck, she didn’t know how to break free from this cycle.
Through the Radiant Life Compass Method, we began by reconnecting her to her inner child—the part of her that loved to play and feel free. She shared that she had always loved dancing but hadn’t danced in years due to her busy lifestyle and responsibilities. We worked on releasing the limiting beliefs that told her she didn’t have time to pursue joy. Not long after, she signed up for ballroom dancing classes—something she had wanted to do for years but had always put off.
Initially, she took small steps to reconnect with her joy through dancing. As she continued to engage in her passion, she transformed completely. She enjoyed it so much that she eventually started competing in dance competitions, which brought her immense fulfillment. This newfound joy spilled over into her work, relationships, and overall well-being. She told me she hadn’t felt this alive in decades.
This transformation illustrates the profound impact of reigniting the spark within from a place of joy and authenticity. It’s just one of many examples of how my approach helps women create lasting change in their lives, embracing their true selves and living with passion, freedom, and purpose.

If you would like to find out more about Dr. Juju Love, please visit https://drjujulove.com/

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Sarah Kirton
Content Editor
Content Editor
Sarah Kirton is a Content Editor at MysticMag. She focuses on exploring diverse holistic therapies, energy healing, and esoteric arts. Her role involves delving into these subjects to bring out meaningful insights from each individual she interviews. With a long-standing spiritual connection, Sarah has dabbled in Reiki (Reiki 1) and tarot, drawn by the fascinating power of energy and its healing potential. As a freelance writer for the past five years, she has honed her ability to craft compelling narratives around these topics. Sarah is also a mother to a 6-year-old, whom she considers her greatest teacher. Outside of her spiritual work, she enjoys water sports, appreciating the energy and power of nature, which aligns with her love for the healing and transformative aspects of the natural world.