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A Journey into the Unseen Realms With Lilian

A Journey into the Unseen Realms With Lilian

Embark on a journey of profound exploration with Lilian as she shares her extraordinary experiences with the unseen world. Through near-death encounters, encounters with extraterrestrial beings, and deep dives into the realms of consciousness, she has gained invaluable insights into the nature of reality and the potential for human transformation.

Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of Lilian’s experiences, exploring her unique perspective on the afterlife, the interconnectedness of all beings, and the transformative power of consciousness.

Could you elaborate on the earliest memories or experiences that solidified your belief in a reality beyond the physical world?

Yes, that was the moment that my twin sister got really sick. When we were 26 she got a brain tumor and in no time she was also blind. That means that her reality got really different. ME and my parents got her home (at our parents) and started to help her 24/7. At that time I slept a lot of the time next to her in the bed and then she woke me a lot of the time during the night and told me about the different dead people and especially children that were surrounding her in the bed.

Of course I was in shock, because with my job as an account manager and my disbelief about another world, I didn’t know that. And in a way I did, because as a child I had a lot of entities in my room, so everything opened again (also in me). I now know that this was a sort of preparation for her also, because when she died she was also helping children that died suddenly in a car accident for example and were in shock crossing over. But when my sister was sick, she also always told me about a tunnel of light, where people would stand, telling her to come to the light. Also our grandfather passed away a couple of years ago.

So I bought a book about the tunnel of light. Nowadays I hear a lot about the tunnel of light that you mustn’t go there because it’s a trap of the matrix, but I don’t know. I feel that it’s time to go inside, be with your own light and that will lead the way to where you need to go. And when my sister died I felt such a heart pain, that I asked ‘where are you Wendy?’. And the moment I did that, I will never forget the moment I did. It was in the morning, a week after her passing and I was just awake at my parents house, in the bed where my sister died. The moment I asked this question, I was in a very white light staring at a bed where she was lying and a spirit guide was standing next to her, telling me telepathically that she was resting from her time on earth before she could move on. That was so comforting for me. I felt peace in my heart and at that time knew for sure that there was more.

After some time, I quit my job, needed to rest and deal with this new situation. I felt that everything was different in my perception of reality. In a way, I also died I think. Because during the night when I wanted to go to sleep, I went out of my body and traveled through space, seeing different things and not only that, I was living next to a hospital and all the dead people came to my house. They would stand in a line, waiting for me to bring them to the light. It was a really scary time, because this was all new for me and in a way, nobody could help me, because when I would go to someone, I felt that they followed a course but didn’t have their own experience and that was not helping me. So I needed to do it all by myself.

The moment I realized that, there was a spirit guide next to my bed, every night. This guide helped me deal with everything. I got the choice if I wanted to help the people to the light, but I didn’t want to do that, so the line with dead people went away. After some time I also got more different creatures next to my bed. Creatures from low frequencies and high and they were attempting me to go with their energy by connecting with my second chakra. I learnt a lot from them. I learned that in a way you have in the 3 dimension living people who will enter your energy and cross your boundaries if you let them and I had to learn to stop, to say no and to make a decision and to take care of my energy.

So I did with these creatures in all the different dimensions. The moment I did, only very high beings would come. I will never forget my experience with a very high being, who came during the night, hanging above my body, all these different colours and very big, fluid and beautiful. The moment I was connected with this being, all the energy in my body was starting to flow, not only in my body, but also a couple of meters outside my body, totally surrounding me. And at that moment I felt the being that I was, or what a human in a body could become when they fully are flowing in the energy. It would lift all the living cells in the body and everything would become so high in frequency, that nothing in the body that is low, could nog exist anymore. It felt like a huge orgasm, but then through the whole body and meters around it.

And also that this was not at all connected with sex between two people. After a while my sister started to connect with me and that was so amazing. That was after I healed a lot of the pain, so I could deal with it, so she explained. And she was there a lot of the time. So I changed my job, and started to help people, and in a way this all started really naturally. People just came and I helped them with their energy. And at this moment I still help people with their energy as a hypnotherapist/NEI therapist etc.

Can you describe a particularly memorable encounter with extraterrestrial beings and what you learned from those experiences?

The first moment I came in contact with beings from another dimension, was the moment I was on holiday with a friend and during the night I woke up in a spaceship on a table with 3 beings around the table. Very big head, looking like grays but then more friendly. I was so in shock, because in a way it was not ok that I was waking up, and telepathically one of the beings made me sleep again. That moment I heard myself screaming and woke up next to my friend in the appartement of where we were staying for our holiday. When I told her what I saw, she didn’t know how to react. She was quiet and then said; coffee?

I now know that she immediately dissociated from the story because she could not handle the fact that there are beings in other dimensions. And that is ok! There is something protecting her consciousness so she could handle the reality. And you can imagine that I felt really alone with this experience. I also remember a moment that I was in my hometown with another friend, walking outside and we saw a huge spaceship going very slow, I still can hear the sound of the frequency that was surrounding it, in the sky above us. The beings in that ship made contact with us, in a way that is so difficult to explain.

But it was beautiful. And one moment my friend got scared and at that moment, the spaceship went away immediately. They don’t want us to be scared. And during my practice as a hypnotherapist a lot of sessions are about other dimensions, other planets, other beings. A lot of the time the client is traveling to another planet, where we contact a being who is giving a lot of information about earth, mankind or whatever.

You can ask a lot of questions during such a session and not only that, you also can feel the energy, the frequency and that is very healing for the body. I had situations during sessions where people got healed from terrible diseases but only when the information of the disease and the message of the body was clear for the client and there was permission to heal it. For beings in other dimensions a lot (maybe every disease) is easy to heal with permission and consciousness. There is always a message in a disease that needs to be seen.

How have your experiences with negative beings influenced your understanding of duality and your approach to healing?

Yes, when I was opening so quickly after the death of my sister I got a lot of negative beings during the night, because that is the moment you are the most open for them or conscious of them I think (in my case). I saw negative beings wanting to suck my life energy, negative beings wanting to scare me, but also during my work I saw a lot with clients. It was sometimes so bad, that I saw not only negative beings with clients but also ‘demons’ you call them.

Very strong energy beings who never had a body but are very strong in energy. I made a decision some time ago, because I got a lot of people asking for help with that, that I don’t want to deal with this. It’s too hard and I don’t like working with demons. In a way I know that everything has a right to exist in this universe, but I just don’t like working with them so I made the decision that I won’t and nowadays, I don’t get anymore clients with big demons and I am happy with that.

I also see that when you have a big demon, something is very unconscious so the demon can tap into your energy. You need to clean, heal something in yourself. It’s only connected to a frequency that is in the body or energy field of the client. But I don’t like working anymore so I don’t attract it anymore.

What specific aspects of Dolores Cannon’s teachings resonated deeply with you, and how have they shaped your own work as a hypnotherapist?

Aspect that everything exists, that everything has a reason, that you can heal anything but the client needs to take full responsibility of that what is and get conscious of the reason why something is there. It always has a message. And the biggest aspect I totally resonate with is the fact that everything is possible.

Could you compare and contrast the different hypnosis techniques you’ve studied (QHHT, Soul Center Hypnosis Healing, HIN Hypnotherapy, etc.) and how they’ve complemented each other in your practice?

Dolores Cannon her work with QHHT has opened a lot of doors and a lot of people are working with this beautiful technique. But when Dolores died in 2014, her work developed even further. A lot of people like Candice of the BQH school worked with Dolores, by her side, and she developed the QHHT further and Laura of SCHH, who learned everything from Dolores also, developed also further with this technique. And they did this during lock down, when people could not meet each other.

And with their technique I could do sessions online all over the world with people from Australia, America, Europe etc, helping them and giving them a session. How cool is that? That was really amazing. And I still give sessions online also, because it works really well. The QM Hypnosis I learnt is amazing, because this is a technique believing that there is no protocol for any session and you can reach the TOTAL SELF for anything.

Dolores calls the Total Self the Subconscious. I call it that part of you where all your experiences are locked that you have stored. So when you go there during a session, all the answers are there. With the technique of QM Hypnose I feel that I can go even more deeper in sessions with clients.

Based on your experiences and insights, what do you envision as the future of humanity and the role of consciousness in shaping that future?

I feel that the only thing we need to do is to go within where all the answers are, all the dimensions are, all the information is. If people do that, everything will reveal just like it needs to do and you don’t need any story anymore. No story about the bad beings, they just are part of the universe.

You don’t need story’s anymore, it just is. And in that, you will notice that you are everything and that everything happens to make you feel and make you conscious of the fact that you are everything. We need the dark to see that we are the light. We need the negative beings to be aware that there are good ones too. And the frequency you will end up in ‘just being’ you will notice that there is war, so you can feel that there is peace too.

You are out of the stories and you will be in the ‘new earth’ if you could call it that, and you notice that it always was already there. Just in another frequency.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.