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Reiki Healing: Insights From Holistic Well-being & Transformation Experts

Reiki Healing: Insights From Holistic Well-being & Transformation Experts

In a world where stress and disconnection often dominate, Reiki healing has emerged as a powerful tool for holistic well-being and personal transformation. This ancient Japanese practice channels energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, helping individuals restore balance in their lives. But what makes Reiki so effective, and how can one fully embrace its benefits?

To explore these questions, MysticMag has connected with leading Reiki masters and holistic experts. In this article, they offer valuable insights into the transformative power of Reiki, discussing how it can be used to heal and rejuvenate the mind, body, and soul. Whether you’re new to Reiki or have experienced its energy firsthand, these expert opinions provide a deeper understanding of how Reiki practitioners harness energy for healing. Let this guide be your resource as you embark on your own path to well-being and self-discovery through the power of Reiki.

Misconceptions About Reiki Healing

Sujarda Herring, a registered Reiki master practitioner has shared with us misconceptions about Reiki healing:

“There are lots of misconceptions about Reiki that I have heard over the years. I think that one of the most common ones is that Reiki is a one-stop shop for curing every possible ailment or issue. While it is true that many people can benefit from Reiki, it is important to remember that this is a complementary therapy, it is not a replacement for medical interventions, yet it can work really well alongside them.

This is evidenced by the number of NHS trusts now offering Reiki to both patients and their family members to promote both relaxation and self-care as part of a holistic approach to patient care. Reiki treatments are particularly prevalent in oncology wards and hospice settings as there are very few contra-indications with Reiki healing, making it suitable for many people who cannot receive other types of therapy.

Another popular misconception about Reiki is that it is a religion or even a cult, which it is not. It is simply a practice that uses energy to promote the body’s own self-healing. While there is a spiritual element to the practice, you do not have to be spiritual to enjoy a Reiki treatment. Hands on healing is something we naturally do, when we scrape our knee as a child, we hold it and it feels better. My advice would always be to anyone thinking about a Reiki treatment is go and try it and make up your own mind.”

Long-Term Benefits of Regular Reiki

Maria Fiordalisi, a holistic wellness practitioner, has revealed her experience regarding the long-term benefits of regular Reiki Sessions:

“In my experience as a Reiki practitioner, I have witnessed numerous long-term benefits that regular Reiki sessions can bring to my clients. Firstly, many individuals find that Reiki serves as a powerful pathway to self-discovery. Each session provides them with an opportunity to explore their thoughts and emotions more deeply, fostering clarity and insight that they may not have recognized in their daily lives. This introspective process helps them better understand themselves, empowering them to address underlying issues and embrace their true selves.

Moreover, I have noticed a significant increase in empowerment among my clients. As they learn to tune into their own body’s energy and intuition during sessions, they feel more equipped to navigate life’s challenges. This newfound empowerment doesn’t just enhance their individual healing journeys; it also influences their interactions with others, encouraging them to approach situations with confidence and compassion.

The community aspect of Reiki is another benefit I observe in my clients. When they participate in group sessions or workshops, they often form meaningful connections with like-minded individuals. This shared experience creates a supportive environment that fosters understanding and collaboration, allowing them to uplift one another on their healing journeys.”

Reiki and Daily Self-Care Routine

Manju Joshi (Reiki Master) has provided insights on the main advantages of incorporating Reiki into a daily self-care routine:

“The wonderful and beautiful energy called Reiki has many advantages in incorporating into our daily life self-care routine. We can incorporate Reilly in the following way:

In the morning as soon as we get up, we can give Reiki with the intention that ‘my body and mind is going to be sound and well’,  with that intention, we can place hands on our heart and bring that intention in the heart with the symbols or if you have  first level, you can just place the hands and bring the intention in the heart

As we go on through our day, we can pause from time to time and place the hands on the heart to revive the intention of peace and wellness

We can give Reiki to our water and food before we eat with the intention that it is hydrating and nourishing us. These are a few examples of self-care Reiki for overall healing and wellness.”

Reiki and Body’s Energy Field

The Reiki Master teacher Alice Langholt has contributed to our article by answering how Reiki works on the body’s energy field to promote healing:

“Reiki is an energy therapy. People are familiar with physical therapy – that’s what is done on the body when it’s out of alignment, or not moving correctly. In short, the body could be said to be “out of balance.” There’s the body, and there’s the biofield. The biofield is the energy system that’s integrated with the body. And, that energy system can become out of balance too. Symptoms of being out of balance energetically could include: chronic fatigue, feeling constantly stressed, anxiety, depression, feeling “stuck,” replaying self-limiting thoughts or arguments, physical pain, and illness. Those last two on the list, physical pain and illness, are included because the physical body often expresses an energetic imbalance since the body and biofield are integrated.

Reiki energy therapy, or a Reiki session, can help to bring balance to the energy system. It does this by bringing some of the life force energy that we’re all connected to into the human biofield. The biofield can receive this energy and heal itself back into balance.

One of the primary benefits of receiving Reiki is the sense of relaxation that it brings. That moves the autonomic nervous system out of the state of “fight, flight, or freeze,” and into the relaxed state. Relaxation encourages healing on all levels. It even reduces pain. In a stressed state, resources are diverted to survival, and away from healing, digestion, rest, and reproduction. Issues with healing, digestion, sleep, and the reproductive system are symptoms of too much ongoing stress. By switching off the fight, flight or freeze state, pain relief happens, stress is not experienced (because you can’t be relaxed and stressed at the same time), and the energy reserves of the body can be redirected towards healing, digestion, rest, and reproduction.”

Reiki Healing’s Remote Effectiveness

Can Reiki healing be effective remotely? Cheri Smith, a certified Reiki Master teacher, has answered this question and also shared the benefits of distance Reiki:

“Yes! Reiki healing is just as effective remotely, as in person. There are two main ways to connect with the client remotely. The first is through a Distance Reiki Symbol given in Level 2 Reiki Training. The Distance Symbol closes the gap of time and space and connects the energy directly regardless of distance anywhere in the world! The second is rooted in Quantum Physics, The Law of Quantum Entanglement. Einstein called this phenomenon, “spooky action at a distance”. Quantum entanglement is defined as when two particles, such as a pair of photons or electrons, become entangled, they remain connected even when separated by vast distances. Photons are light energy and electrons are subatomic energy, both representing energy used during a Distance Reiki Session.

Distance Reiki can even be more effective than In Person Reiki! When working with a client in person, the practitioner’s focus is split between the actual energy work and ensuring the client is comfortable. We’re thinking about the temperature of the room, ensuring a quiet environment, whether the client can smell what we had for lunch, etc. When working with a Distance Client, it’s just you and their energy. You can focus completely on the energy without physical distractions.

The benefits of Distance Reiki include the same benefits of In Person Reiki, lower blood pressure, physical relaxation, and feeling more clear and focused. Distance Reiki provides an additional benefit of receiving the treatment in the comfort of your own space, not needing to drive or travel.”

Channeling Energy for the Clients

Kaori Isomura, the USUI Reiki Master, has shared her expert opinion about how Reiki practitioners can ensure they are effectively channeling energy for their clients:

“To ensure effective energy channeling, Reiki practitioners must cultivate relaxation, centeredness, and alignment with the flow of universal energy. Prior to each session, practitioners should set a clear intention and ground themselves, creating a mental space conducive to healing. Grounding establishes a solid foundation for becoming a clear channel for energy flow.

Practitioners should maintain a meditative state rather than focusing intensely, trusting that the energy will naturally go where it is needed. This relaxed state enhances receptivity and promotes brainwave synchronization between practitioner and client, fostering an energetic entrainment that amplifies the healing experience.

Committing to daily meditation and self-maintenance practices helps clear emotional and energetic clutter, allowing practitioners to remain present and connected during sessions.

It is essential to remind clients that they possess the ability to heal themselves, as Reiki exists within us all. Practitioners create a sacred space that empowers clients to tap into their inner healing resources. This approach allows clients to receive the full benefits of the Reiki session, facilitating deeper emotional release and transformation.”

Reiki Helps Balance the Chakras

Gail Christie, RMT and world peace reiki master, has shared her expertise regarding how Reiki helps balance the chakras and why this is important for holistic health:

“One of the wonderful things about our bodies is that when they are in balance they tend toward optimal health. When your chakras (the points of attachment between your energy body and your physical body) are healthy and balanced, so are you — physically, emotionally, spiritually and in your relationship with yourself and others.

Chakras blocked through injury, trauma or other negative experiences can create feelings of frustration or lack of vitality. Long-term imbalances might be further experienced as anxiety, illness, pain or depression.

This is where Reiki energy healing comes in. When a Reiki practitioner introduces the pure, high-frequency life force energy of Reiki into your energy system it can clear the blocks, return your chakras to spinning freely, and balance the energy between chakras. There is an unlimited supply of Reiki energy available and your body can accept as much as it is ready to receive. Reiki is applied with a light touch or slightly off the body and flows through your body like a warm radiance, clearing and balancing as it goes. This often results in improved health, and a sense of being cared for and spiritually supported. The refinement and noticeably high vibration of Holy Fire® Reiki energy make it particularly effective in promoting healing on all levels.”


As we’ve seen from the insights shared by these experienced Reiki practitioners, the healing potential of Reiki is profound and transformative. By channeling energy, Reiki can restore balance, alleviate stress, and promote overall well-being. Each expert highlighted the importance of intention, mindfulness, and the practitioner’s connection to universal energy in delivering an effective healing experience.

Whether you’re a practitioner or someone seeking holistic well-being, Reiki offers a unique path toward personal transformation. Its power lies in its simplicity and its ability to reconnect us with our inner selves and the world around us. As you continue exploring Reiki, remember that healing is not only about the body but also about nurturing the mind and spirit. By embracing this practice, you open yourself up to a life of balance, harmony, and deep healing.



  • Sujarda Herring | Space to Tame | www.spacetotame.com
  • Cheri Smith | Soul Healing With Cheri | www.soulhealingwithcheri.com
  • Maria Fiordalisi | Helianthus Holistic Arts | www.mariafiordalisi.ca
  • Manju Joshi | Gurukul | www.gurukulyoga.com
  • Alice Langholt | Reiki Awakening Academy | www.reikiawakeningacademy.com
  • Kaori Isomura | Sound Healing Hawaii | www.soundhealinghi.com
  • Gail Christie | Joyful Living Reiki | www.gailchristiereiki.com
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MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
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