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Discover The Power of Conscious Creation With Estra Roell

Discover The Power of Conscious Creation With Estra Roell

In a world filled with uncertainty and distractions, finding one’s true purpose can be challenging. Estra Roell, a leading “America’s Life Purpose Coach,” offers a unique approach to help individuals unlock their potential and live a fulfilling life.

Join us as we explore her journey, discover her powerful techniques for conscious change, and learn how to harness the power of intuition to create a life filled with purpose and joy.

What inspired you to create a manifesto for “America’s Life  Purpose Coach”? 

I got the idea from a life purpose coach training I did with Transformation  Academy. They included their manifesto in the coursework and I thought it  would be fun to do my own. I’m all about fun! A manifesto is a declaration  of what you stand for—your values, service and intentions. It’s designed to  raise your vibration because it’s exciting to read it. I did have fun writing it  and I like being able to go back and read it any time I need a boost. I  recommend it for everyone.

How do you define “conscious change” and how do you help  clients embrace it? 

Conscious change means being a deliberate creator of your life. Many  people think life is something that happens to them. Conscious change is  about understanding that we are all creating our lives and then taking  responsibility for that. It’s a practice of envisioning what you want and then  doing the processes that will put you into alignment with that vision. It’s  actually very empowering, because when you realize you create with your  thoughts, emotions and inspired actions, you are in your own power. When  you think you are a victim of circumstance, you give your power away. I  should mention here that my original training was as a law of attraction  coach and I use that a lot with helping clients create purpose in their lives.

You emphasize the power of creative imagination. Can you share a  personal experience where you manifested something through  visualization? 

Absolutely! I had been living in a duplex for a few years when the man who  owned the other side got two roommates who smoked. That caused him to  start smoking again. The smoke came into my side of the duplex. I’m very  sensitive to cigarette smoke and each night when I came home after work I  

would notice my eyes starting to water and my throat to hurt. At first I felt 

helpless and angry. But I had just read a book called “The Science of  Getting Rich” by  

Wallace Wattles, written in 1910. It was my first introduction to law of  attraction. I decided to put it to the test.  

Every night before I went to sleep, I would choose to be grateful for the  oxygen molecules I did have between the smoke. Then I started imagining  moving into a new single family house. Every night I added something new  to the house, like more storage space, hardwood floors, a big kitchen, more  light and so on. As it progressed I imagined my family in the house and  everyone laughing and enjoying each other’s company. Doing this felt  really good!  

I had no idea how I would get the money for it, but I just let that go and kept  on visualizing the house and feeling how great it was to live there. It then  occurred to me I should probably let my husband in on what I was doing!  He and I were in a business networking group along with a real estate  agent. So much to my surprise my husband asked him to start showing us  houses! 

The real estate agent sent us pictures of houses that were on the market,  but none of them were right. I continued visualizing. One day I was  looking through a home improvement magazine at Lowe’s to get an idea of  the kind of windows I would like. I noticed that the windows shown in the  ads all had a great view of trees through them. I said, “I want those  windows and I want that view!” 

Then another member of the networking group mentioned that a house in  her neighborhood was up for sale. She got it up on her computer and my  jaw dropped. It was my house! And—it was on a lot completely  surrounded by trees. 

The financing worked out in a way I hadn’t expected and I’ve been in my  dream house for the last 17 years. And out of every window in the house, I  have a beautiful view of trees.

What role does playfulness play in your coaching approach and  how do you integrate it into clients’ journeys?

Playfulness is one of the ways you can have fun with what you want to  create—your purpose, a relationship, a new career, or anything. I  encourage clients to let their imaginations run free and play with the ideas  that come up, no matter how outlandish they may seem. That includes  expanding their ideas of what they can do, be and have.  

Once they have clarity, I encourage them to skip to the end and imagine  how they will feel when they’ve accomplished what they desire. Will it bring  joy, more love, peace, excitement, ease, purpose?  

Then ask, “How can you experience those feelings right now?”  

Does curling up with a good book bring peace? What can you do now that  feels joyful? What makes you laugh? What can you do right now that feels  purposeful? That becomes the “homework” for the client. By “wearing” the  

feelings of what they want to create before it happens, they get into  vibrational alignment with it and allow it into their lives.  

I highly recommend laughing, no matter what! Make it a part of your action  plan. Watch a funny movie or your favorite stand-up comic or cat videos— whatever makes you laugh! A good belly laugh releases the feel-good  hormones and the good feelings can last way beyond the laughter.

How do you help clients turn contrast into clarity and act only in  accordance with their highest excitement? 

There is a simple exercise that came to me one morning when I was in a  toxic work environment. I woke up with the idea that I knew what I didn’t  want because I was living it. But I was unclear about what I did want. So I  made a list of all the things that were contrasting situations. Then I went  back to the top of the list and said, “I don’t want that, so what do I want?” I  switched the contrast into its opposite and continued on down the list.  Then I had a list of how I wanted my life to be. I got rid of the contrast list  and focused on the new list of what I wanted. 

I eventually found coaching and realized that was exactly what I wanted!  One of the first processes they taught us in the training program was the Clarity Through Contrast exercise I had used!  

I use that exercise with clients, as it is simple yet powerful. As a follow-up,  I have clients take the clarity list and create a new story of their lives as if  they are already living it. I suggest sentence starters such as “I love it  when…. or I’m so excited that….” 

When we act from our highest excitement, we’re in alignment with what we  want and living a joyful life. It’s better to create from joy than from a place of  disharmony. We’re supposed to love our lives, so doing what you love is  part of the plan. 

Of course there are tasks that must be done that are not pleasant. Tax  prep, paying bills and cleaning the bathroom come to mind! There are  ways to get through those more easily.  

One process I recommend is to give yourself 15 minutes to work on a task  you don’t like. Set a timer and when it goes off take a 5 minute break.  During the break decide if that’s enough for right now, or do you want to try  another 15 minutes? Either answer is OK. Most of the time, people  choose to go back to the task, knowing that it’s just for 15 minutes.  

I had a local client once who had her own business. It was winter and we  were all snowed in. She called me because this was a perfect time for her  to do her billing, but she was feeling resistant. I suggested this method to  

her and she tried it. She called me back later raving about what a good  method this was. She got all of her billing done because she knew she  only had to spend 15 minutes each time! 

You mention the importance of intuition. How do you teach clients  to trust and utilize their intuition to guide them into their inspired  future? 

I encourage my clients to meditate in whatever way works for them. I can  also guide them through meditation during our session. Getting quiet  every day can open up the space for our intuition to develop. This can  include Mindful walking and movement as well as sitting.

Trusting our intuition is a matter of faith in ourselves and our Higher Selves.  We often think we’re making it up. But follow the nudges that you get, even  if they don’t seem practical, and test it out. Set the intention that you are  opening up to your higher guidance. And most of all, be patient and loving  with yourself.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.