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Unveiling the Invisible - A Journey Through Spiritual Warfare with Laura Van Tyne

Unveiling the Invisible - A Journey Through Spiritual Warfare with Laura Van Tyne

In the complex realm of spiritual awakening, few guides are as equipped to navigate the terrain as Laura Van Tyne. A remote viewer, speaker, and author, Laura specializes in the esoteric arts of Crossing Over, Entity and Parasitic Implant Removal, Quantum Healing Hypnosis, and Milab Recovery through Regression Therapy. Her work delves into the spiritual war that often hinders individuals from accessing their true potential, reclaiming soul sovereignty, and exercising free will. With a focus on etheric protection, Laura offers practical tools and modalities designed to raise one’s frequency and optimize spiritual health. In her transformative book, Soul Tribe, Laura illuminates the path of spiritual awakening, offering profound insights into expanding relationships with our higher selves and building a supportive Spiritual Team. Join Mystic Mag as we explore the depths of Laura’s wisdom and discover how to overcome spiritual barriers and unlock the limitless potential within.

Can you describe your journey into the realm of remote viewing and how it has shaped your understanding of spiritual warfare and soul sovereignty?

As a former middle and elementary school Math and Spanish teacher, I had to do a hard pivot when paranormal forces broke into our house and threatened harm to my family. I ended my teaching career to figure out how to protect myself. Once I did that, my psychic abilities, including remote viewing, started to unfold.

What is remote viewing? In a nutshell, remote viewing is the ability to project one’s consciousness to a different time, space, and location. There are various types of remote viewers. For example, many governments use remote viewers to survey physical locations to gain information.

Other types of remote viewers include those who remote view different dimensions. We are all multidimensional beings. I had to learn and understand how the various dimensions or realms work to figure out not only how to solve my problem but also what the problem was.

Most of my work involves cleaning up the fourth dimension. We live in the third dimension, and when we leave our bodies (die), our soul energy goes from the third to the fourth to the higher dimensions to go Home to the Heavens. This is where the Spiritual War resides. When the “Luciferic Forces” left the light of GodSource, they realized they no longer had access to the light of GodSource and needed a way to sustain themselves. As they looked around, they discovered that humans are of the light, and they learned how to extract our light, much like how parasites suck the energy off their hosts.

I have learned along the way that the fourth dimension is supposed to be a part of our soul healing and restoration, like a step-up transformer to ascension. These Luciferic Forces have hijacked our fourth dimension, lurking in the shadows. Every Holy text has some passage where they discuss this. In the Bible, it’s the 23rd Psalm.

Our souls are the energies that animate our physical bodies. When we can break free of the impact of the negative, unseen, energetic world, we truly begin to restore and retain our soul sovereignty. And isn’t your soul worth it?

Entity and parasitic implant removal is a unique aspect of your work. What are some common signs that someone might be experiencing these spiritual intrusions?

These Luciferic Forces come in many shapes and sizes, like a Who’s Who in the Spiritual Zoo concept. As a result, a person may exhibit signs or symptoms that indicate something going on. Some of the more common signs are:

•        chronic brain fog

•        senseless arguments with others around you

•        medical mysteries such as unexplained aches or ailments

•        An unexplained bump or nodule shows up just below the skin’s surface

•        You have thoughts that are not your own

What type of services do you offer?

I offer various services, including connecting to your guides, removing negative entities and energies, clearing homes and other spaces, and past-life regressions.

When I work with a client, we work together as a team. Why? Because the client needs to own their power. A spiritual practitioner can say almost anything; people may believe me, even if it isn’t or partially true. Therefore, I developed a process where we work together as a team to be in sync and solve problems together. The side benefit is that the client learns new ways to help themselves.

In your practice of Quantum Healing Hypnosis, what role does past-life regression play in helping individuals reclaim their free will and spiritual autonomy?

Past life regressions have been getting a lot of attention lately. We have all lived many lifetimes. Christ spoke of life everlasting, not death everlasting.

I offer several types of hypnotherapies, depending on the person’s needs. When we tap into the theta state, the role of our conscious self can step aside so that we can more clearly connect with our subconscious, higher self, and even our Soul Tribe—our spirit guides.

If a person is experiencing blockages in life, chronic health issues, financial difficulties, the same or similar relationship problems keep popping up, or they are curious about who they are as a soul, these are just some of the issues we can solve through a past life regression to get the answers we need to assist us in our ascension process. When we learn to break through these patterns, we can more fully reclaim our free will and spiritual autonomy.

You emphasize the importance of etheric protection in your work. What are some of the most effective tools and modalities you recommend for maintaining spiritual protection and raising one’s frequency?

We work on protection in every aspect of our lives. We protect our finances. We wear appropriate clothing based on weather conditions. We lock our doors at night. Yet, we are programmed to ‘just trust’ when it comes to all things spiritual. We are taught to blindly believe that Archangel Micheal is who he says he is. What if you are really communicating with a good impostor? That means that the dark entity now has access to you and possibly your loved ones.

First, it’s important to understand we all have psychic abilities and not all abilities are the same, nor to the same degree. If you feel as though you can’t ‘see’ don’t worry about it. Feeling and sensing are other ways in which we ‘see’.  When we shake someone’s hand, we are really sensing their energy field. How does that person feel to you? Inviting, repulsive, or indifferent?

Here are a few visualization tools you can add to your Spiritual Toolbelt to help you navigate through these realms to keep you safe and protected.

If you have a hard time visualizing, be patient with yourself. Let’s say you want to call in Archangel Micheal to help you. Ask for his presence and sense or feel where he may be. Then, visualize yourself pouring a rain of salt or frankincense oil over him. These are both high-frequency substances and lower-frequency beings cannot handle them. Oftentimes, they will disappear or shapeshift into their true self. If you get an impostor, request angels from the higher realms to remove it right away. And Do Not think you weren’t good enough. Know that you dodged a bullet and that your true spiritual team will be grateful.

In your book Soul Tribe, you discuss the significance of building a Spiritual Team. How can someone begin to recognize and connect with their Soul Tribe in the midst of their spiritual awakening?

One of my favorite questions! We all have a spiritual team, and if you are reading this magazine and blogs, chances are you have a good team. Why? Because of the resonance and frequencies between you and the content. Knowing this, we can all work to grow and improve our Soul Tribe, our Spiritual Teams. They are karmically earned in many ways.

The best way is to know that we all have access to angels. Angels are here to serve humanity. Yet, we have been programmed to believe that we shouldn’t bother angels with minor problems or that we are not worthy of their help. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Did you know that angels also earn karma and can ascend in their ranks? But they need our help to do so. Therefore, the more you ask for their guidance and assistance, the more you help them. However, it should be noted they cannot violate spiritual law. This means they cannot influence others so that you can get your way.

Most importantly, every time you utilize angels, you improve your GodSource connections and raise your vibration, which is soul healing. Use your angels, and you will grow your Soul Tribe with intention and discernment.

For more information: www.TheKarmicPath.com

Books:  Laura Van Tyne

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.