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Finding Peace and Purpose: A Look into Energy Healing with Timothy Pope

Finding Peace and Purpose: A Look into Energy Healing with Timothy Pope

Have you ever experienced a loss that left you feeling lost yourself? In this interview, Mystic Mag talked with Timothy Pope who shared his powerful story of grief and a profound spiritual awakening that led him to become a leading energy healer and counselor.

Timothy delves into the transformative power of energy healing, explaining how it can help us address the root causes of our problems, not just the symptoms. You’ll also learn about person-centered counseling and how it empowers individuals to discover their own solutions.

When did you know that being an energy healer and counsellor was your calling and how did that come about?

There wasn’t a single moment where I thought being a healer and counsellor was my calling, I decided to help others after the death of my father. I felt that there was no help or understanding available for me when I was going through the affects of watching my father die. I was having spiritual experiences that I did not understand and there was no one back then in the late 1980’s to speak to about such things.

One night as I lay in bed, absolutely terrified and not knowing why, I felt a surge of energy coming up my legs, up through my body right to the top of my head. The top of my head exploded open (ethereally, of course, my crown Chakra opened) and it felt like I had a fountain of sparks and fireworks shooting out of the top of my head. It scared the life out of me and I nearly crushed my wife’s hand that I was hanging onto for dear life.

I know now of course that I was having a Kundalini awakening and much of the negativity trapped within me from my life and past lifetimes, was being flushed up through my Being and the kundalini energy was cleansing my energy field. 

It was years later that I started to understand what had happened to me; back in 1987-91 there was no-one I could talk to about such things. I genuinely thought I was going crazy, losing my mind and it didn’t help that my father’s Alzheimer’s problems made that period one of the most difficult experiences I have had to endure. 

I didn’t realise at the time that I was an empath, absorbing other people’s pain and negativity and unwittingly believing that what I was thinking and feeling was mine, as most empaths do. In fact, I was identifying with my father’s condition and living through it with him as I took on his fear, confusion, sadness and pain. Without realising it, I was helping him by absorbing his negative energies. It was after these experiences that I started to awaken to my purpose and it was then that I started taking counselling and healer courses to provide help for others.

What services do you offer?

When I first started my business back in the 1990’s it was mainly using person centred and humanistic counselling, that was about 80% of my offerings and 20% was through energy healing. Over the years as I developed, that percentage gradually shifted to 50 / 50 and then due to the results of the energy healing being more beneficial than the counselling on its own, the balance shifted more towards the energy healing. 

For many years now I have offered 100% energy healing, every client receives energy therapies as well as the initial counselling beforehand. I offer help to clients of all ages including very young children and the elderly. 

I have helped people with most health conditions over the past 25+ years including those who were terminally ill, sometimes to pass over. I help business people to be more successful, I help couples and families to sort their differences out, I help other therapists to deal with their issues and I teach and guide them on their healing journey.

I use person centred and humanistic counselling and psychotherapy knowledge in conjunction with my master healing abilities. My healer training being in Spiritual Healing, Reiki, Reconnective Healing and Matrix Energetics. My natural healing abilities come from many lifetimes of healing service. I have evolved over many years as I understand myself and my past, I am able to assist people in understanding their own journey.

I have been taught, shown and educated by my own higher wisdom and wonderful Beings of light over the years, all of this experience has helped me to provide a wonderful service to others for which I am very grateful. 

I also teach Energy Medicine on four levels, this is an accredited qualification and a  combination of the best techniques of the healing modalities already mentioned, along with my own personal wisdom gained through experience. Full course information can be accessed through my website www.timothypope.co.uk/courses/.  I also offer an on-line theory course for Energy Medicine.  

Could you tell us more about Matrix Energetics and how it works?  

I came across Matrix Energetics after a friend told me about this amazing way of working that was more advanced than any other healing modality available at the time, this was in 2012. The first workshop I went to in London shifted my whole understanding of energy healing. Matrix Energetics was about working with consciousness. Matrix Energetics works on the cause of the problem being experienced not the symptom so the possibility for transformation is real.

One of the many benefits I can provide as a Matrix Energetics practitioner is to bring the recipient into the experience of being in the NOW moment. Through this they experience relief from their suffering which is based on either something from their past or something from their past being projected onto a possible future event.

Through Matrix Energetics I can provide a positive mindset as heart centred, right brain, higher wisdom and Source energy come into alignment and the person experiences a way of being that is healthy and balanced. Working on issues that are being experienced can bring resolution and freedom from the problem, the masculine and feminine energies flowing through the person come into balance and peace of mind is just one of the many benefits that is experienced in this new way of being. 

While using the observer affect, I am able to see the person free of their limiting belief or health problem and through the energy connection bringing the collapsing of the lower vibrational negative energy waves, a new higher vibrational energy wave can be experienced. It brings a better understanding of how science and spirituality are deeply connected. 

What does it mean to be a person-centred counsellor? 

Person-centred therapy works on the assumption that people are capable of working out their own solutions once they have gained recognition of their own potential to do so. No matter how defeated a person seems to be they are always able to fight back and have the potential for success.

I attempt to understand and unravel the difficulties by perceiving reality through the client’s eyes. I cannot decide the directions in which the person should change and develop but I help my clients explore their needs from their own point of view and discover their own direction.

The person-centred approach believes that all humans are innately good and that they are growth orientated. Unconditional, non-judgmental  positive regard and acceptance is my key communication to clients, with a deep and genuine caring for them as human beings.

This caring is unconditional, in that it is not contaminated by evaluation or judgement of my client’s feelings, thoughts or behaviour, be they perceived as good or bad. The message that I conveys is that I accept you as you are. I look for the light within the person in front of me and then I work towards helping them see their light within themselves.

What can a person expect from your sessions?

My therapy room has a welcoming feel about it, the room is bright and spacious, a safe haven to talk about one’s problems confidentially without being judged in any way. The therapy bed is very comfortable and a good place to relax listening to gentle music while the energy session takes place after the problems have been discussed.

At the start of the session, I will listen to the person and explain to them what I sense and feel from their energy and their life’s circumstances. I will offer a different positive perception of one’s current difficult or painful experience, so as to help the person overcome their issues and find inner peace. 

I speak of a bigger picture that is unfolding for them, this helps them to see a purpose in their suffering and also to see their problem in a more manageable way. The energy session is a very relaxing and enjoyable experience usually leaving the client feeling lighter, relaxed and with a peaceful mind. It is possible for the issue concerned to disappear during the energy session but no guarantees can be given.

Clients may see colours, symbols, signs, beautiful scenic landscapes and beaches, spiritual Beings, smell odours, feel energies flowing through their Being, feel heat or coldness, float above their body or many other such experiences, all of which are enjoyable and pleasant. 

What do you love most about your profession?

The peace that I am able to introduce to others through my energy work helps them to realise there is another reality that they can experience if they chose. The guidance I give through my own personal experiences and wisdom can help them see things from a much higher perspective and help them wake up to their own truth. I then support them as they do the internal work that’s necessary to heal and free themselves.

It is a wonderful feeling for me when someone breaks free of their self-created drama, when they have a light-bulb moment and suddenly see themselves and their life from the true perspective. They cannot believe how they have been stuck in that particular reality or belief system for as long as they have. It makes all the challenging moments helping them and the coping with and transmuting of their negativity all worth-while. 

There are many memories, snap-shot moments that come to mind like seeing the relief in someone’s face when you are able to stay calm while they tell you about their deepest fear or pain, showing them that they are accepted, are not being judged and that everything is going to be okay. 

I am often the first and only person with whom they have felt safe enough and comfortable enough to trust with sharing their deepest darkest secret, emotion or fear, such as being abused as a child for example or some other hideous experience or fearful belief about themselves that has caused havoc in their life but only now has come into their awareness, because they feel safe enough with me, to express it. That is so common unfortunately for both men and women and my heart goes out to them. 

There are many blessings with this work such as having the ability to Bring Light into a person’s life, so they can escape the darkness that they have created for themselves because of what’s happened to them. Seeing the serenity on a person’s face when working on them energetically, replacing the haunted, stressed look that was there previously. 

Receiving the testimonials and genuine heartfelt thanks from the many people who I have helped, showing that my efforts were appreciated. A person who you have been helping for a while finally saying this is their last session because they feel fine now. 

Of course, let’s not forget the miracles along the way, all the positive consciousness shifts and healings are each one a miracle really but there have been many times when such extraordinary wonderful miraculous healings and benefits have arrived for those, I have played a part in helping, that has made both those affected and myself feel truly blessed. 

I wrote my spiritual autobiography called Healing from my Heart to Yours during lock down, it’s a thick book with over 150,000 words over 22 chapters. As well as explaining my life journey, it is also a self-help and reference book to help anyone that wants to know more about the awakening process and what is going on spiritually. You can see its description and purchase it through my website www.timothypope.co.uk/books/ 


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.