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Awaken Your Lifeforce Energy with Robin Erkel

Awaken Your Lifeforce Energy with Robin Erkel

In this exclusive interview, we dive deep into the journey and transformative work of Robin Erkel, the founder of LEAP (Lifeforce Energy Awakening Process). Robin shares her personal story of overcoming challenges and discovering her calling in energy work, offering readers an intimate look at the profound impact of LEAP on healing and awakening. MysticMag has the pleasure.

Who is Robin Erkel? What is your personal story and how did you get into energy work?

An old soul in a young woman’s body, embracing life in all its waves and incredible paradoxes. Whether I’m at home or travelling the world (which I do often), spending time with my cat, myself, family, or (new) friends, I love to live in truthful connection. To me, this is only possible when one is true to oneself. Life in this multidimensional human avatar is a blessing I embrace fully now, experiencing the extraordinary in the ordinary, but this has not always been this way…

Despite a loving childhood, I struggled for a long time with an inferiority complex, eating disorders, depression, and feeling out of place. Like many, I sought life’s meaning and turned to Ayurveda and Yoga, which helped me turn inward, start treating my body-mind better, and face myself in the beliefs and conditioning behind my destructive coping mechanisms.

For a long time, I felt very lonely through all that I went through. Yet, in this loneliness, Life (force)/intuition/Love/God/Consciousness, became my greatest teacher. The many experiences and challenges I faced awakened me from the illusion of separation, leading to this profound surrender to the divine life force flowing through me (and all of us).

I did not choose the easy or “normal” paths and went through a lot, but here I am, where the bliss of being transcends any pain associated with growth and expansion.

LEAP literally came through me during the Ayurvedic massages and breathwork I provided, as people started to experience what you can experience during LEAP, and that is how I naturally started to facilitate this energy work, which quickly spread by word of mouth. This was at a time when I leaped into full surrender to Life myself.

LEAP to me is a synonym for life in its purest and freest form – where I simply am, non-attached to formed identities, yet fully involved with-in Life. It is fascinating to see my entire life has been “preparing” me to naturally hold this space, allowing me to embody this presence and aliveness.

 What is LEAP and what are its benefits?

LEAP, or Lifeforce Energy Awakening Process, is a direct energetic process and transmission of life force energy that naturally activates a profound self-awakening.

A process that organically leads you into an honest, authentic, and meaningful existence, awakening to the fullness of Life. LEAP expands consciousness, ignites liberation, and ultimately guides you into the remembrance of the bliss of life within your authentic vibration.

This is not a willpower practice like kundalini yoga or breathwork. LEAP is a path of divine surrender. In trusting the intelligence of this life force flowing through us, we move into deeper states of Presence –acceptance, surrender, and bliss– regardless of circumstances.

The benefits of LEAP are truly endless, bringing everyone what they need and are ready for. Because LEAP guides you so naturally from fear to Love, it is very liberating. Liberating old wounds, conditioning, behaviors, and transforming life views (from fear, shame, and victimhood, into a state of true love). This shift fosters clarity and deep unshakable calm, enabling responses from awareness rather than reactions driven by old wounds and conditioning that are (often unconsciously) limiting your freedom of being.

LEAP facilitates the remembrance of your wholeness and inner peace regardless of circumstances. Its transformative effects, including spontaneous healing (on all layers) and alignment with one’s true self, often feel magical and defy rational explanation. It enhances intuitive listening and living from a place of Truth and Heart.

People often experience increased self-love, self-acceptance, and trust in oneself, seeing through the shadow and pain one has held onto for so long. They have more trust in their life’s journey and reconnect with the fullness of life and abundance of Love.

LEAP fosters conscious and authentic living. While deeply spiritual, it is grounded in the present moment, guiding us into the ultimate joy of being Alive, here and now.

 Can you walk me through a LEAP session?

LEAP is a path of surrender, so all that is asked during a session is to surrender to the transmission and be curious and open to whatever is arising in the moment. You don’t have to do anything, simply allow yourself to get out of your own way to not resist what is present.

During a LEAP session, you receive a direct life force energy transmission from the facilitator. Because the energy meets you wherever you are, the experiences during a session are different for everyone and every time. Yet what is often experienced are:

  • Feeling the energy flow as physical sensations throughout your body, like tingling sensations, getting very warm, cold, or even both at the same time.
  • Stuck emotions can come up, asked to be felt through so that they can be transformed and you will feel lighter afterwards.
  • It is possible you have visuals in your inner eye, like seeing colors or different images as if you are dreaming awake.
  • You can also experience spontaneous movements arising, like little jerky movements, shaking, or spontaneous movement of your arm, fingers, legs etc. that are literally moved by the energy flowing through. This might feel a bit strange in the beginning, but once you allow and experience it, you actually realize how liberating it is.
  • Or simply experience a stillness within, a state of peace and bliss.
  • And so much more is possible, I have a lot of magic happen …

The beauty of LEAP is that you receive what you are ready for and need in the moment. Not what the mind thinks it needs, but the intelligence of the energy will be expressed in such a way that allows you to see through your shadows, attachments and limitations; that often opens a whole new world of exploration.

The most important part of the process is during the integration and embodiment of the energy in daily life, after or in between sessions. It is really deep work, guiding us back to our most natural state of being.

You also teach others through the LEAP facilitator training. What can you tell me about that part of your work and can anyone become a facilitator?

The LEAP facilitator trainings have been unfolding very naturally too and the transformations I’m able to witness during these trainings are incredible.

It comes so natural to me, holding this deep space of surrender (in sessions and in daily life) as I embody what I practice. Therefore the main focus of this training is on the embodiment of this life force energy within everyone’s unique expression, so that facilitators can truly Live it. LEAP is not something you just give as a workshop. You have to live the process to be able to hold a safe and embodied space for others too.

With training, we often think about books and material, and yes, I have written a handout, but the LEAP facilitator training is truly un-learning and letting go of the limitations that are holding you back from living your fullest potential.

What keeps you motivated to do the work you’re doing?

Our incredibly vast potential, the love that flows so freely through my being. To me, it’s simply sharing this Love.

I’ve gone through a great deal of suffering that I have essentially imposed on myself by not being true to the divine within/myself. Now, knowing suffering is only necessary until it is no more, I can share in truth. Through this inner peace and silence within, I know and have seen I can share these vibrations with those willing to receive, and those who do, to truly Love and step into their authentic selves too. This is incredible to witness.

When I listen to my intuition I cannot not do what I do. I’m here to serve the divine within all. I live in Love and lead in Love, and it is a blessing to be able to share and inspire this in the hearts I touch too.


To learn more about Robin’s work and LEAP, you can visit www.lifeforceenergyawakeningprocess.com and www.robinerkel.com

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Predrag Vlatkovic
Content Editor and Coordinator
Content Editor and Coordinator
Predrag Vlatkovic is a Content Editor and Coordinator at MysticMag. His work includes engaging interviews with professionals from various spiritual fields, alternative medicine, astrology, energy healing, and more. With a focus on growing our blog and bringing readers insightful stories, Predrag stays connected to the latest developments in the spiritual community. His interest in the filed began at a young age. From visiting a palm reader and conducting a small interview for his personal website to now interviewing spiritual leaders from around the world, his passion for the spiritual and mystic world continues to grow. Outside of work, Predrag enjoys meditating, playing board games like chess and Dungeons & Dragons, and spending time in nature with a good book always by his side.