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Discovering the Path to Clarity and Ease with Ilona Ciunaite

Discovering the Path to Clarity and Ease with Ilona Ciunaite

In the labyrinth of life’s uncertainties, Ilona Ciunaite emerges as a beacon of illumination, guiding seekers towards the shores of recognition, clarity, and ease. Fondly referred to as the “Oily Witch” by those who have traversed the depths of self-discovery alongside her, Ilona’s journey from confusion to profound realization is a testament to the transformative power of inner exploration. Driven by an insatiable longing to return to that sacred space of inner peace, Ilona embarked on a relentless quest for truth and understanding. For eight years, she traversed the landscape of spiritual inquiry, seeking solace in sound healing, crystals, and the wisdom of ancient texts, all while grappling with the existential weight of her own identity. In her seminal book, “Liberation Unleashed,” Ilona distills the essence of her journey, offering seekers a roadmap to navigate the terrain of self-transformation. Through the practice of “Deep Looking,” she invites individuals to explore the depths of their own experience, unraveling the illusions of separateness to reveal the boundless expanse of being. As we journey alongside Ilona, we are beckoned towards the threshold of self-transformation—a realm where the illusion of separateness dissolves, and the boundless expanse of being unfolds before us. It is an invitation for Mystic Mag to embark on a journey of discovery—a journey that transcends the confines of time and space, leading us towards the luminous shores of self-realization.

Can you share a pivotal moment or experience that catalyzed your understanding of the illusion of the separate self, as outlined in “Liberation Unleashed”? How did it change your perspective?

The pivotal moment occurred in October 2010, and I didn’t even notice it. I could only recognize it when looking back, maybe three days later, because something felt and looked different, and I didn’t know what had happened. So, I traced it by memory: this question, “Is there Ilona running the show?” As I asked that question, somehow, the mind went quiet for just a few moments. And in that one moment, it was clearly revealed that there was no one running the show. There never was anyone running a show, and it’s impossible for there to be some separate entity in charge of making life happen. With that cessation of the mind, this revelation was made. The next thought I remember that arose was like, “Oh my God, how had I never questioned that before?” It was such a surprise that this Ilona character was seen as somebody here running life, being responsible, having free will, control, and struggling to make things happen. But it was all an illusion. So, what happened? Since then, there has been openness, a sense of freedom. It doesn’t matter what’s coming up or what’s happening in everyday experience. There is this sense of freedom, this openness to knowing that I’m not running the show. Nobody is running the show. It’s like nature; you know, nature is just doing its own thing. Nobody is running it.

What type of services do you offer?

I offer two kinds of services. One is truly seeing that there is nobody here, no separate self. At Liberation Unleashed we call that direct pointing. It’s pointing to that one insight, showing how to perceive it in your own experience. The entire Liberation Unleashed is about just pointing to this, seeing for yourself how it is in reality. The other service I offer is working through all kinds of difficult things that arise on the journey before and after this realization. It’s not quite the same, but it’s toward the same end; it’s always toward the same. It involves removing all kinds of contractions, emotional barriers, and stories that obstruct clear sight. It’s about seeing clearly that everything is okay, that everything can be as it is.

Deep Looking is my own method of meeting whatever is arising. I offer everyone a half-hour conversation free of charge just to see how it works, and I also offer free meetings every first Sunday of the month. Everyone can join, and we can explore together. Otherwise, I work one-on-one in sessions with people. In these sessions, we address whatever is present, whatever is needed. This usually involves delving into traumas, deep emotional issues, and beliefs that hinder ease and clarity. We work until everything is cleared, and then we can simply enjoy being, being where everything already is, as it is, with no need for change.

The ability to face intense situations from a place of calmness and allowing is a profound aspect of your teachings. Could you provide some practical advice or techniques for cultivating this ability in our own lives?

Well, the practical approach would be to ask these three questions: What am I looking for? What am I running away from? And what is here? As seekers, we often don’t stop to ask these questions; we’re always looking for the next thing, thinking someone else knows, or hoping that something will change tomorrow. It’s always about the next thing. So, it’s crucial to pause and consider precisely what I am looking for. Usually, the answers come one after another, and ultimately, it boils down to peace—peace as contentment, being at ease, feeling safe, feeling that everything is okay.

Once you realize that peace is what you’re seeking, you can begin to recognize it. The next question is: What am I running away from? In other words, what is obscuring peace? We can then examine uncomfortable situations, unwanted emotions, negativity, or other people who are not supporting us—anything that we’re trying to evade. But unless we look, we can’t identify what it is. It’s essential to understand what we’re running away from because it’s not something to flee from but an invitation to examine it so that it can resolve itself, and then there’s no need to escape from it anymore.

This process is akin to a child lying in bed, afraid of a monster under the bed. The child tries to avoid or escape it, turning on the light or seeking comfort from parents, but is too frightened to look under the bed. However, if the child musters the courage to look, they’ll find nothing there; the fear dissolves, and there’s no need to run away from it anymore.

This process may seem straightforward because what is already here just is—these colors, sensations, sounds, and smells. However, when we believe in this separate self, we perceive everything through the lens of “me here, world out there,” which complicates matters. It’s like wearing sunglasses all your life without realizing it; once someone points it out, and you take them off, you realize you never knew it was a possibility. These “glasses” represent our ideas about who we are and what the world is, which shape how we perceive everything around us. Recognizing this lens is crucial because it allows it to be seen and ultimately released, freeing us. What remains is peace, which was already here all along, waiting to be acknowledged.

In “A Guide to Breaking Free from the Illusion of the Separate Self,” you speak of experiencing more peace, enjoyment, and freedom in everyday life. Can you discuss how this newfound perspective has influenced your approach to challenges and obstacles?

After this initial recognition, there was this opening and understanding that nobody is running the show; it’s impossible. There is just what is happening. However, the ebb and flow of life, with all its contractions and conditioning, is still present. The difference now is that it is seen as not belonging to me, not mine, not what I am. It can simply be as it is. But it’s a lengthy journey to arrive at that acceptance of everything; I had to learn to say yes to whatever is arising through practice. This was one of the most significant shifts—learning to say yes to whatever is present, no matter how painful or unpleasant. While it’s easier to say yes to good things, it’s not so simple to accept something I dislike. It took practice until it became natural, but saying yes is crucial because it signifies that I’m not running away anymore; I can face it, meet it as it is, and Glean wisdom or lessons from the experience. Life wasn’t easy, and sometimes it’s still difficult, but there’s always that underlying peace, that sense of “It’s okay, it’s always okay, whatever is showing up.”

This acceptance means that whatever is manifesting is okay, neither liked nor disliked, neither positive nor negative; it’s neutral. For instance, when something terrible occurs, I acknowledge its horribleness, and I can still experience the feelings associated with it, like grief and sadness. For example, when a cat dies, it brings about heavy emotions. However, it’s okay to feel them; there’s no need to run away or escape from these feelings anymore. We can confront them. Yes, when it’s sad, I can cry, and it’s okay.

For those who are just beginning their journey of self-transformation, what foundational principles or practices would you recommend they focus on initially?

Initially, well, it depends on where one is in their journey. Some people are just starting out, while others have had years and years of therapy, or some have been meditating for ten years. So, how does one begin? I don’t know; perhaps start by getting curious about what this life really is. Because we think we know what life is until we realize we don’t. And when we reach that point of not knowing, it becomes an opportunity to start exploring. When I know how things are and what I am, I’m closed off; I believe I already know everything and can argue about it, convincing others that I’m right and they’re wrong. But what if I don’t know? What if what I believe or what I think is true is actually not true? So, perhaps the initial step would be to be curious and open to not knowing.

And then, you know, life provides all the lessons, tools, and everything else you need to know on that journey.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.