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Unlocking Clarity: Sandra Lee's Unique Blend of Magic in Biofield Tuning, Human Design, and MAP Coaching

Unlocking Clarity: Sandra Lee's Unique Blend of Magic in Biofield Tuning, Human Design, and MAP Coaching

Sandra Lee helps you be clear about what’s right for you.

When you’re experiencing stress, overwhelm, or difficulty in making decisions, it’s like driving on the highway’s rumble strip. Your experience is chaotic and rough, and your relationships may be strained.

“What’s me? and What’s not me?” Sandra helps you recognize the answers to these questions, clarifying what’s your right fit.

Sandra ‘sees’ the energetics of your purpose, and when your intentions are in alignment.

Here’s a fun testimonial. “I’m really not sure what it is you do but I think it’s magic. I wish I could keep you in my pocket.”

With over 30 years of experience doing intuitive energetic work, Sandra’s unique combination of Biofield Tuning, Human Design, and MAP Coaching provides powerful support for your personal and business well-being, success, and satisfaction.

Turn up the flame feeding your magic.

Breathe, and learn more about this fascinating woman in the latest MysticMag interview.

Can you explain your background and training in biofield tuning and personal/business chart readings? What led you to pursue this field, and what certifications or qualifications do you hold?

Firstly, I have a science background with a chemistry degree from the California Institute of Technology. However, after leaving college, I shifted my focus from chemistry to energy work, particularly studying acupressure. This transition required me to reconcile the logical, left-brain world with the intuitive and energetic aspects of the right brain.

While practicing massage therapy for over 30 years, I found that understanding the scientific and energetic aspects of the human body allowed me to effectively communicate with clients about their health. My ability to explain the science behind the therapy helped people comprehend the importance of certain practices, such as staying hydrated.

During my acupressure training, I was introduced to tuning forks, specifically in a practice called Sonopuncture. Although initially hesitant, I eventually embraced the use of tuning forks, specifically Acutonics, to facilitate energy movement in the body. In 2018, I discovered biofield tuning, which significantly heightened my intuitive abilities. This new method gave me more accurate and relevant information about individuals’ health, often revealing issues they hadn’t mentioned.

While using biofield tuning, I began perceiving how people express their purpose energetically. This expanded perspective emerged during a remote session on Zoom, where I saw bundles of love emanating from a client’s heart to their intended recipients. This led me to recognize that these energetic expressions are a manifestation of one’s purpose in the world.

Furthering my exploration, I delved into gemstone healing, prompting me to seek guidance from my spiritual guides. This connection allowed me to perceive not only personal and professional purposes but also how individuals contribute to the universal evolutionary level. I now share this broader perspective with people, unveiling the profound impact of their existence on the greater cosmic scale.

In recent days, this evolving understanding has transformed my interactions and thoughts, allowing me to perceive the energetics of situations in a way I hadn’t experienced before.

How do you customize your approach when conducting biofield tuning sessions or personal/business chart readings for individual clients? Do you have a specific methodology or philosophy that guides your work?

In my twenties, like many spiritually oriented individuals, I sought astrology readings from various sources, assuming it was a common practice. However, those chart readings didn’t leave a lasting impact on my life. I couldn’t recall any meaningful information, and it didn’t seem relevant to my daily existence. Consequently, I concluded that the positions of planets didn’t hold significance for me, despite their importance for others who chose to live by their astrological charts.

My perspective shifted when I encountered my teacher, Karen Curry Parker, in a teleseminar before the era of Zoom. Through this experience, I gained practical and relevant insights into my chart, which continued to influence my life over the next 12 years. For instance, I discovered that my inherent tendency to feel anger was a fundamental aspect of my blueprint. Understanding this allowed me to embrace and make peace with this facet of myself, transforming how I approached and dealt with anger.

My deepened engagement with human design, certified through Karen Parker across four levels of practice, enabled me to offer clients a tangible connection between their charts and real-life experiences. I focused on providing practical strategies for individuals to navigate challenges and understand the relevance of their chart in their daily lives.

Regarding business charts, I worked extensively with entrepreneurs, recognizing that their human design charts strongly influenced their business energy. The themes and purpose outlined in their charts often manifested through their business endeavors. Additionally, I introduced the concept of running a chart for a business based on its “birthday” (typically when it obtained its business license). This approach provided valuable insights into the energies and themes expressed by the business.

An interesting case involved assisting a client in determining the ideal day to restart her business. By running charts for each potential day, I could offer her insights into the qualities her business would embody on specific dates. This unique approach allowed her to make an informed decision about the perfect day to get her business license, aligning with the energies she desired for her venture.

Whether working with professional clients or individuals like yourself, the goal is always to make human design and astrology personally relevant, providing practical insights that enhance understanding and guide decisions in both personal and professional realms.

Can you provide an example of a challenging or complex client case you’ve worked on and how you approached it? What was the outcome, and how did you adapt your methods to suit the situation?

Certainly! Many individuals approach me with a common dilemma: they have a job but aspire to transition into entrepreneurship. However, uncertainty surrounds the type of business to start and the ideal timing for such a significant shift. Addressing this issue involves a comprehensive understanding of one’s human design chart, which reveals innate gifts, purposes, and contributions.

In a past case, I worked with someone facing this exact situation. She held a tech job but harbored a deep desire to explore her passions—writing and starting her own business. Human design charts serve as a powerful tool to uncover these intrinsic gifts and contributions, providing a roadmap for individuals to recognize how these elements are consistently expressed in their lives, irrespective of their current occupation.

My approach involves helping individuals recognize and understand their foundational contributions—those that go beyond the logical answers typically provided in marketing strategies. For instance, one person might discover their core contribution is fostering love, while another’s is centered around providing a sense of safety.

In the case of the individual with a tech job, I guided her to recognize her strength in fostering harmony and effective communication. Despite being a mid-level manager in the tech company, she discovered her ability to facilitate positive interactions among colleagues. This newfound awareness not only brought her a sense of fulfillment but also influenced her job dynamics.

The objective is to help individuals feel more satisfied and fulfilled within their current jobs while simultaneously building the skills and abilities necessary for their envisioned entrepreneurial endeavors. By aligning with their innate gifts, individuals can create a more fulfilling role within their existing job. In the mentioned case, the individual experienced a positive shift in her job dynamics, receiving more responsibilities and even creating a distinct position for herself.

Ultimately, the process involves leveraging one’s gifts to enhance the current job, simultaneously gaining valuable skills that will contribute to a successful transition when the time is right for starting a business. This holistic approach ensures individuals not only build a solid foundation for their entrepreneurial pursuits but also find satisfaction and purpose in their current professional roles.

How do you maintain ethical standards in your practice?

Working primarily with individuals provides a more personalized and private setting for sessions. Given the nature of my work, there’s no involvement with healthcare, eliminating concerns related to sharing records or breaching confidentiality. The simplicity of this one-on-one interaction ensures that everything remains strictly between me and the individual.

Respecting privacy is paramount in my practice, and I never discuss anyone without their explicit permission. Occasionally, in a very generalized context, I might share stories that lack an obvious connection to a particular person. These stories typically focus on shared human experiences and the positive shifts that people can undergo.

In terms of record-keeping, I maintain all records personally and avoid storing any information on the cloud. This decision is rooted in my concern for security risks associated with cloud storage. While it’s true that data may not be at risk right now, once uploaded to the internet, it becomes challenging to maintain control over its security. Therefore, I prefer not to expose sensitive information to potential risks associated with online storage.

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest developments in biofield tuning and chart reading techniques?

When delving into the realm of human design, the wealth of information and techniques available is truly infinite. I’ve undergone numerous classes with Karen Parker, exploring various aspects and related modalities. Additionally, I’ve delved into the study of Gene Keys, a different yet connected method. The continuous evolution of my understanding of human design is a testament to the vastness and complexity of this field.

As for biofield tuning, advanced training was on my agenda until the unforeseen arrival of COVID-19, which led to the suspension of many training programs. Surprisingly, I made a conscious decision not to pursue advanced training because my approach to biofield tuning is in a constant state of evolution. Working intuitively, guided by spiritual insights, I often find myself doing things I’ve never been taught or shown before.

A notable shift occurred when I began overlaying the human design chart onto biofield tuning sessions. This fusion has allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of individuals’ issues and the means to address them effectively. For instance, examining what’s happening in someone’s human design chart can provide valuable insights into managing specific challenges they may be facing.

To elaborate, energy flow through the body and biofield is crucial for optimal function. When individuals experience emotions like anger, confusion, or stress, the energy flow tends to stall. As a result, my work involves identifying where the energy blockages occur, often initiated by confrontational questions or discussions, and facilitating the release and flow of energy.

Regarding the recent evolution mentioned in my email, I’ve incorporated map coaching into my practice. This modality focuses on clearing trauma from memories and replacing it with positive energy. This addition has brought about significant changes in the work I do with individuals. Currently, map coaching serves as the primary container for my sessions, complemented by the supportive element of biofield tuning.

I find that each new learning experience seamlessly integrates into the broader body of work I offer. It’s a continual process of enriching and enhancing my techniques, ensuring that I provide individuals with a holistic and evolving approach to addressing their needs.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Petar Vojinovic is a content editor for Mystic Mag, where he curates and oversees content related to mysticism, psychics, and spiritual practices. In his role, Petar oversees content creation, ensuring that each article, interview, and feature provides valuable insights into the mystical world. He collaborates with experts in the field to present a wide range of topics, from tarot readings to holistic healing methods, maintaining the site's reputation for authenticity and depth. Petar's interest in spirituality and mysticism has been a lifelong passion. He has a background in cultural studies, which gave him a unique perspective on ancient spiritual practices and their relevance in modern times. Before joining Mystic Mag, Petar wrote for various publications, focusing on alternative medicine and the metaphysical. Outside of work, Petar enjoys practicing meditation and studying astrology. His fascination with the occult continues to fuel his dedication to exploring the unknown.