Drs. Nick & Amber Salinas, PTs, DPTs, owners of Functional Movement Therapy, PLLC, specialize in addressing back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and providing functional training. Committed to enhancing healthcare accessibility and quality, they treat each client like family at FMT. They believe health is integral to happiness and your right to lead life on your terms. Focusing on immediate action, they advocate taking control of your well-being today instead of waiting weeks for traditional medical appointments. With a dedication to client success, Functional Movement Therapists employ the FMT 360 Method, ensuring a personalized approach that evolves with you. If you seek a departure from the standard healthcare model, schedule a Total Body Diagnostic for a tailored plan toward your goals in a 30-minute Zoom consultation. MysticMag finds out more from Dr Nick.
Dr Nick, you offer a unique approach to resolving back pain and sciatica through online physical therapy and functional movement training. Could you explain how your program works and what sets it apart from traditional in-person therapy?
After working in healthcare for over a decade I realized how much of the puzzle was missing to resolving chronic back pain and sciatica with traditional chiropractic and physical therapy care. Each of these “specialists” only looks at the problem from a 1-dimensional viewpoint. I take the time to truly understand my clients and all the aspects of their life that could be contributing to them not healing, a true 360 degree approach including exercise, nutrition, mental health, community, and accountability. At FMT, we understand that the solution to challenging back pain is never one dimensional and I use my 2 decades of experience specializing in back pain and disc herniation to help my clients to find success.
What inspired you to create a program specifically for individuals facing back pain and sciatica, and how does it differ from conventional treatments?
I herniated a disc in my 20’s and after going from doctor to doctor and spending a fortune to get no real answers I was left with a ton of medical bills, frustration, and continued pain. I’ve always wanted to become a physical therapist and this injury spurred me forward to learn as much as I could about back pain while also having the good fortune of being able to use myself as the guinea-pig for what would become my methodology, the FMT 360 Method. This method has now helped 1000s recover from chronic back pain and failed surgery to perform phenomenal feats such as running a marathon (we have 6 marathoners including myself and 1 ultra-marathoner who have graduated the program) and we now have 5 children who have been born from mothers who never thought it would have been possible to carry to term because of their back issues. If they can do it, you can too!
Your program emphasizes avoiding shots, surgery, and prescription pain medication. Can you share some insights into the techniques and methods you use to help clients achieve pain relief and improved mobility without these traditional interventions?
Yes, we always work to maximize holistic healing when possible. It is one of my greatest joys in life to help others avoid surgery and recover their lives after failed surgery. We do this by finding our client’s root cause of the pain and why the injury is not resolving. This could be from one or a combination of: posture, breathing dysfunction, motor control dysfunction, ROM deficits, instability, neural tension, balance, or emotional trauma. Once we understand the diagnosis and root cause we can create a more effective treatment plan and reverse engineer the client’s solution. I then create an individualized program for each of my clients which is developed week by week with the support of 1 on 1 sessions and community support. FMT clients are treated like family from Day 1 and know that their results matter.
With the convenience of online training, your clients have the flexibility to work on their recovery from the comfort of their own homes. How do you ensure that your personalized approach is effective for each client, even when they’re not physically present in a clinic?
The short answer is constant communication and understanding my client’s root cause. We then reverse engineer their solution week after week to make sure they are seeing progress and handle any issues that pop up along the way within their program. Many people think that they need to be “in-person” in order to heal, however, the research over the past decade has all pointed in the opposite direction, that the belief in being able to heal and taking an “ACTIVE” approach to healing is what actually stimulates the body to heal and decreases the perception of pain within the body.
Could you tell us more about your Total Body Diagnostic and how it benefits individuals looking to understand the causes of their pain and take the next steps toward healing?
What can someone expect from this diagnostic session?
Of course and thank you for asking. A Total Body Diagnostic is a comprehensive movement examination where I set aside time to meet with you to discuss your injury and understand your history, take the client through a movement examination complete with medical special testing, and help the client to determine the best next step for their healing journey. Those who decide on utilizing this service tend to find answers and understanding about their condition that they were never able to find visiting a myriad of practitioners in person (on average about 8 prior to finding FMT).
If you or a loved one would like to sign up, please follow the link below:
And if you would like to find out more about FMT, visit https://www.functionalmovementtherapy.com/first