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A Pioneer in Intuitive Coaching and Spiritual Empowerment

A Pioneer in Intuitive Coaching and Spiritual Empowerment

Laurie Anne has been intuitively coaching people worldwide to get unstuck and liberated for nearly 40 years.

The content of her work is alignment-based, self-connection/reconnection, shifting from where we get stuck, getting grounded and clear on who we are and who we are not, restoring balance and harmony within and without, and letting go/letting come.

The context of her work is unique to each person and involves emotional/mental and spiritual accessing of knowledge and understanding through psychic and intuitive processes of cognition.

She has experientially developed a unique intuitive integrative coaching’ methodology over nearly 40 years. Outcomes are focused on empowerment, liberation from our suffering, switching on purpose and gifts, and creating balance and harmony.

She holds a 7th dan in Usui-do, a Japanese system of self-connection, and over the years, she has facilitated many spiritual workshops focused on self-reunion.

Learn more about this fascinating individual in this MysticMag interview.

Tell me about your experience with intuitive integrative coaching. How do you approach coaching individuals to help them achieve their personal and professional goals?

I’m sincerely grateful for this opportunity to delve into my life’s journey, which encompasses intuitive, integrative coaching, training, and the captivating realm of uncommon intuitive portraiture. Across nearly four decades of dedicated practice as a natural-born full-spectrum psychic medium, a conscious explorer, and an ardent student of ancient wisdom, I’ve cultivated a unique approach that draws inspiration from diverse sources such as ancient esoteric principles, Universal laws, Taoist philosophy, and contemporary quantum concepts. 

Crafted with kindred spirits in mind—individuals compelled to make a positive impact—I’ve tailored my offerings for those undertaking a profound journey of self-discovery and self-attunement, embracing the age-old adage, ‘know thyself.’

Imagine embarking on an intimate, intuitive coaching voyage that mirrors the transformative essence of an intuitive portrait experience. Together, we embark on a profound exploration, weaving a symphony of authenticity, empowerment, and rare insights.

As a coach, trainer, and portrait artist, I am guided by the Taoist principle of balance. I utilize my insights and psychic abilities to help individuals clarify their values, discover their purpose, and navigate their path toward personal and professional fulfillment. I see my role as facilitating the transformation of imbalances—whether they manifest as old narratives, dysfunctional beliefs, or behavior patterns. Anchored in an appreciation for the tangible and unseen, I foster an intimate dialogue that nurtures self-awareness and gently reveals hidden obstacles and untapped potential. Just as my portraits capture the essence of one’s passions and beloved connections, my coaching illuminates their distinct aspirations and challenges.

Through intuitive, integrative coaching, I guide individuals in forging a connection with their inner wisdom. We delve into the exploration of limiting beliefs, family of origin, and ancestral patterns that may impede their growth. Being neurodivergent, I am hyper-sensitive to recognizing non-typical qualities and challenges, as well. This soul-seeking journey mirrors the transformative process underlying my Intuitive Portrait photography, where coaching sessions become a celebration of one’s unique path. In this sacred space, obstacles and struggles transcend into opportunities.

At the heart of my approach lies the conviction that addressing the multi-dimensional aspects of our lives empowers us to shape our reality. Guiding individuals through intuitive, integrative psychic inquiry and mindset shifts, we unlock pathways that lead to the manifestation of their deepest desires. By harmonizing with Taoist principles of harmony and embracing the limitless potential of the quantum field, we establish a solid foundation for growth that resonates with the evolution of their soul.

Coaching sessions are reflective mirrors like my portraits, which capture profound moments of inner connection. They unveil insights and provide the tools to navigate life’s challenges gracefully. My approach amalgamates practical strategies with spiritual guidance, creating a holistic and transformative experience.

My approach to intuitive, integrative coaching invites individuals to embark on a profound journey of self-exploration, alignment with their soul’s purpose, and the manifestation of their envisioned life. This transformative expedition fosters growth, self-discovery, and an enhanced connection to the tapestry of existence.

In the context of training, how do you design programs that effectively blend intuitive coaching principles with practical skill development? Can you provide an example of a successful training program you’ve developed in the past?

I draw inspiration from the deep connection between inner wisdom and outer action when crafting training programs that combine intuitive coaching principles with practical skill development. My approach resonates with individuals who are seeking not only personal healing and growth but also a holistic sense of soulful fulfillment.

In designing such programs, I begin by understanding my client’s unique needs and aspirations. I create a curriculum that integrates the skills required for the personal growth inquiry, empowering them to thrive as whole individuals. This agenda resonates with those who value a balanced, meaningful, and empowering approach to their development journey.

Let me illustrate with an example of a successful Open Inward retreat training program I crafted for a group of creative entrepreneurs. Recognizing their desire to enhance their creativity and cultivate self-confidence and authentic expression, I designed a program that blended psycho-spiritual and sacred rituals with practical modules, mindfulness practices, creative self-inquiry processes, self-discovery exercises, and Intuitive Integrative coaching sessions. The culmination was a soul portrait anchoring their transformed selves. 

Participants gained valuable insights throughout the program and embarked on a transformative inner journey. By tapping into their intuition, they could identify their unique creative voices, overcome self-doubt, and embrace their worthiness to succeed. This holistic approach resulted in not only improved understanding but also a profound sense of empowerment and alignment with their true selves.

The success of this program is reflected in the participants’ testimonials, where they shared stories of achieving their goals and experiencing breakthroughs in their personal growth and self-awareness. This example underscores my commitment to crafting training experiences that cater to both the practical and soulful dimensions of my clients’ journeys, aligning with nearly 40 years of experience in this field of Intuitive Integrative Coaching.

Portrait photography is about capturing the essence of individuals. How do you use your intuitive skills to create a comfortable and authentic environment for your photography subjects? Could you share a memorable experience where your intuitive approach enhanced a portrait photography session?

You’ve touched on something very dear to my heart. Intuitive portrait photography, especially how I approach it, is more than just capturing physical features on camera. It’s about embracing a journey inward, delving into the hidden realms of the soul to bring forth genuinely transcendent portraits.

Being a psychic medium and an Intuitive Integrative coach allows me to connect with my subject emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically. Before the camera clicks, our pre-session conversations and intuitive exercises pave the way for feeling seen, which leads to genuine self-expression. It creates an atmosphere of trust, cathartic self-connection, stillness, and revelation. It’s not about posing or the perfect smile; it’s about being present and inviting the Sacred Objective Higher Self to inspire the courage and self-authority to show up as your authentic self. 

I remember a particularly poignant session where my client, let’s call her Emily, was struggling with self-acceptance. She was motivated to transform a lifelong battle with her body image that leaves her feeling undeserving. Being the sole subject of an intuitive portrait evokes that which conceals the individual’s true nature. But, through intuitive, integrative coaching, I guided Emily to gently confront these emotional barriers and discover her truth. Before the shoot, we did a short guided intentional meditation. During the shoot, we engaged in deep breathing exercises, grounding techniques, exploring psychic insights, and doing self-inquiry. As she relaxed, I could sense and see a palpable shift in her energy. Her soul’s presence stepped forward. I saw the light of spirit in her eyes.

When we started the shoot, the Emily I captured was not the anxious, self-conscious woman who walked into my studio; she was transformed. Her portraits reflected a woman in touch with her essence, radiant with the newfound confidence of someone who had confronted and accepted her deepest self. Emily later shared that this experience was pivotal in how she was showing up in her relationships and her self-love journey.

That, to me, is the power of intuitive portrait photography. It’s a transformative journey that creates beautiful portraits and nurtures a deeper connection with your sacred self. So, it’s not just about looking great on camera; it’s about feeling deeply seen and authentically present, hearing your soul say, ‘Yes, this is me.’ And you know the adage – ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe it!’ Truth is always palpable. 

Communication is crucial in coaching, training, and photography. Can you describe a time when you had to navigate a challenging communication situation with a client or a subject? How did you handle it, and what was the outcome?

Communication is the cornerstone of all facets of my work. One experience that beautifully blends Taoist and quantum principles in navigating a challenging communication situation with a client comes to mind.

During a photography session, I encountered a subject who initially seemed guarded and uncomfortable in front of the camera. Drawing upon my Taoist belief in the interconnectedness of all things, I recognized the importance of creating a safe, harmonious, and energetically aligned environment. I tuned into the subtle cues of their body language and energy, allowing me to meet them where they were and establish a connection rooted in mutual understanding. 

Incorporating quantum concepts of observer effect and energy resonance, I approached the session with a genuine intention to do whatever was necessary to support them in our goal of capturing their authentic essence. I actively listened, asking open-ended questions that facilitated honest conversation and allowed them to unfold their personal myth, naturally. This approach aligned with nurturing deep connections and embracing the present moment.

As the session progressed, I introduced mindfulness techniques inspired by Taoist philosophy to help them release self-consciousness and be present in the present. This blend of ancient wisdom and modern understanding allowed the subject to relax, release inhibition, and let their true self shine brightest. Acknowledging their feelings without judgment and remaining fully present, I created a safe space for them to express themselves authentically.

The outcome was a series of photographs that captured their external true beauty and radiated their inner confidence and true essence. This experience reaffirmed the power of weaving ancient and modern principles and strategies together in communication, fostering a successful photoshoot and, more importantly, a conscious imprint of a profound moment of connection and self-expression. It showcased the magic that happens when we align ourselves with the flow of energy and consciousness, demonstrating my unique approach to coaching, training, and photography.

Integrating different aspects of your role requires adaptability. How do you balance the demands of coaching, training, and photography, especially when working with clients who have diverse needs and goals?

My role requires a delicate balance of skills inherent in my Intuitive Integrative Coaching, training, and Intuitive Portrait photography with my client’s unique demands and dynamics. My approach to achieving harmony while serving clients, each with diverse needs and goals, is grounded in a fusion of esoteric, Taoist wisdom and practical ‘quantum’ adaptability.

Taoism teaches us to embrace life’s natural ebb and flow, and this philosophy underpins my approach. As nature seamlessly adapts to changing seasons, I must be intuitively discerning and adjust my methods to suit my client’s specific needs, including understanding their goals, aspirations, divergences, and challenges and then integrating the principles that resonate most effectively with their journey.

Drawing on the Taoist concept of Wu Wei, or “effortless action,” I align my energy with the energy of my clients. Being fully present and attentive to their requirements, whether in coaching, training, or photography, is critical. It’s about listening deeply to their stories, challenges, and aspirations and crafting a personalized approach to addressing and transforming their unique circumstances. The goal is consistent, greater balance and harmony, a deepened self-connection, and a sense of belonging to this Universe.

I combine practical somatic skills development with intuitive, integrative coaching methods in designing training programs, ensuring a holistic growth experience. When photographing kindred spirits, I use my intuitive awareness to truly see and capture their authentic essence, allowing their true selves to shine through. This profound witnessing experience is my ‘drug of choice’! 

One of the keys to this balanced approach is acceptance and flexibility. By staying adaptable and open to new ideas, I can tailor my approach to suit the evolving needs of each client. Whether guiding someone through a coaching session, leading a training program, or capturing their essence in a photograph, I remain attuned to the present moment, adjusting my techniques to ensure maximum impact.

My approach feels like a sacred dance—fluid, intuitive, and responsive. Integrating Taoist principles of flow, balance, and quantum ideals of alignment leading to manifestation and natural alignment with practical adaptability creates a harmonious space where clients can explore, learn, and express themselves authentically, regardless of their individual goals. This seamless integration allows me to deliver a transformative and fulfilling experience across coaching, training, and photography.

Feedback is valuable for growth. Can you share an example of a time when you received constructive feedback from a client or a participant in your training program? How did you incorporate that feedback into improving your coaching, training, or photography techniques?

I wholeheartedly embrace the value of feedback as a catalyst for growth and refinement in my endeavors. Let me share an example that beautifully illustrates how constructive feedback has influenced my approach.

A participant struggled to fully grasp a particular concept during one of my training programs. This feedback allowed me to intuitively and intelligently enhance my content and training techniques. In response, I adjusted the presentation of the content and my teaching style, incorporating more visual aids, relatable examples, and interactive exercises to ensure better comprehension.

Embracing the Taoist principle of “flowing like water,” I allowed this feedback to guide me naturally and harmoniously. I approached the situation with openness and adaptability, aligning my teaching methods with the needs of the participants. As a result, the training content’s clarity improved, the participant’s connection depth increased, and they found it easier to engage with the material.

In my coaching practice, I once received feedback from a client that they sought more actionable steps to implement the insights gained from our sessions. This feedback inspired me to incorporate supportive, creative, inspirational, practical exercises and customized action plans into my coaching approach. By doing so, I ensured that clients gained valuable insights and had clear, tangible steps to move forward on their journey.

Regarding photography, I had a client years ago who was tired of the ‘headshot’ quick-paced and even shallow experience and shared how she desired a gentle, mindful, relaxed, and candid approach to how they dreamed of being captured in a photoshoot. This feedback prompted me to come out of the closet as a psychic medium and take my photography experience and style to the next level, inspiring and capturing genuine, unscripted moments that showcased their personality and, beyond that, their soul expression. The result was a collection of portraits that resonated deeply with my clients and authentically represented their essence. I’ve continued developing my studio experience in this direction since. 

Incorporating feedback isn’t just about making surface-level changes—it’s about evolving and growing in ways that align with my clients’ needs and aspirations. By embracing this feedback-driven evolution and integrating it with the Taoist principle of constant refinement, I ensure that my coaching, training, and photography techniques constantly evolve, adapt, and deliver transformative results.

As we journey together through the realm of intuitive integration, blending ancient wisdom with modern insight, I warmly invite you to explore the transformative potential that lies within, guiding you toward a life of authenticity, purpose, and empowered growth. If the whispers of your soul resonate with this journey, I welcome you to connect with me for a gentle conversation to discover the synergy between your aspirations and my guidance.


We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.