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Soul Synergy Unveiled - Gunnar and Eliyahna's Journey through the House of Healing Metaphysics

Soul Synergy Unveiled - Gunnar and Eliyahna's Journey through the House of Healing Metaphysics

In the heart of the mystical realm of House of Healing Metaphysics, two extraordinary souls, Gunnar and Eliyahna, converge to unravel the profound secrets woven into the fabric of existence. Within the hallowed halls of this ancient sanctuary, where the boundaries between the tangible and the ethereal blur, their journey of self-discovery and enlightenment takes center stage. As individuals marked by an insatiable curiosity for the arcane and the unseen, Gunnar and Eliyahna’s intertwining destinies promise to illuminate the enigmatic corridors of metaphysical wisdom, casting a transformative light on all who dare to venture into their realm. Join Mystic Mag as we delve into the lives of these enigmatic characters, where reality merges seamlessly with the mysterious, and the mundane gives way to the extraordinary.

Could you please share the inspiration behind the establishment of House of Healing Metaphysics and your journey into the realm of natural healing and metaphysical practices?

We began our journey by focusing on our own healing. My husband has always had an interest in natural medicines and herbs, practicing shamanism, which involves using natural herbs for healing, as well as Reiki. On my part, I worked in assisting women facing difficulties to rebuild their lives. When we got married, we combined our resources – our knowledge and wisdom derived from our respective experiences. My Jamaican background also contributed; having grown up seeing my grandmother use natural herbs for healing, I was influenced by this approach. We merged our intuitive gifts from a higher source and turned the concept of House of Healing into reality.

Naturally, the journey was captivating. We initiated our work from our home, relying on word-of-mouth to attract clients. Those we helped saw results and shared their positive experiences with others. Our journey started from our backyard, so to speak. Eventually, we expanded and established our first small shop.

Indeed, in 2019, we recognized a significant gap in the realm of mental and emotional wellness. There existed a lengthy waiting list for appointments with psychiatrists, and individuals were no longer content with solely relying on visits to conventional doctors. This prompted a growing interest in exploring alternative avenues of healing that extended beyond the physical realm to encompass the mind and psyche. Concurrently, many individuals were turning to spirituality as a means of seeking answers to life’s perplexities, which were not easily attainable within the confines of the conventional day-to-day system.

Consequently, we emerged as a beacon for individuals who weren’t merely seeking aid but were embarking on a quest for answers on their life journey. We don’t perceive them as people in need, but rather as seekers striving to comprehend life’s intricacies. This transformation led us to the juncture where we stand today, devoted to assisting individuals in rediscovering themselves and navigating their unique paths.

We are currently living in an age where synthetic alternatives are highly prevalent. In light of this, how do you perceive the significance of herbal medicine and crystal healing in the modern world? What unique benefits can they offer to the world?

It appears that we are approaching a juncture in history where the scientific method and natural approaches are once again converging, as they were in the past, complementing each other. This trend is fostering a greater willingness among people to explore the potential integration of modern scientific methods with natural approaches.

There has never been a direct competition observed between the synthetic market and natural healing. Instead, we have recognized that if synthetic practices could harness the benefits of the natural realm and incorporate them, transformative changes might transpire. It’s important to acknowledge the monetary implications inherent in this dynamic. Our intention was to effectively unite both these domains. Crystals, for instance, are not only integral to metaphysical pursuits but also find application in computer systems, highlighting their value in both the metaphysical and technological spheres. Discarding either aspect isn’t a viable option; instead, a common ground should be sought.

Our emphasis consistently revolves around identifying the root cause of an issue. For instance, rather than offering mere relief from symptoms, we delve deep to uncover the underlying origins of a person’s challenges. Regrettably, this differs from the predominant approach within the medical field, where individuals are often treated solely for their symptoms, without addressing the underlying causes.

What type of services do you offer?

Mostly, our consulting services encompass a wide array of issues. We conduct actual parasite cleanses and administer healing through the use of herbal medicines. These methods not only affect the physical body but also influence the psyche. Additionally, we provide ritual cleansings, body detoxification, and offer my psychic gift which aids in navigating and gaining clarity regarding the situations I encounter.

The individuals we interact with on a daily basis often come to us with a history of trauma. They have yet to find the means to liberate themselves from the lingering effects and energies of these traumatic experiences, be it from childhood, relationships, or substance abuse. Such individuals seek a way to rebuild their lives, minds, and spiritual well-being. To address this, we offer a comprehensive service, including oils with fragrances that influence the mind, detoxifying herbal teas, and even Yoni Steams to aid in postpartum womb healing. Furthermore, we lend a listening ear to souls in need of someone to confide in.

The range of our services is quite diverse. Although we don’t necessarily list all our offerings, we tailor our approach to the individual problems clients present. This adaptable approach results in our services expanding almost weekly, as new challenges arise, necessitating innovative solutions.

Many of the challenges people bring to us are ones we’ve personally faced and overcome. For instance, I’ve dedicated numerous years to detoxifying myself from parasites. Despite initial skepticism from doctors, I developed herbal blends to detoxify the body from parasites, which have become popular offerings in our shop. Moreover, we focus on assisting individuals in their self-development and self-realization journeys, providing them with the physical tools they need to rediscover themselves.

Our journey involves significant effort. We gather and harvest most of the herbs ourselves, investing substantial time into learning about our environment and the growth patterns of herbs. We’ve honed the skills of making oils, teas, poultices, and tinctures from these herbs. We continually enrich our knowledge by studying various systems like the Egyptian, Hindu, and Chaldean systems.

In essence, there is a wealth of information to share, and we’ve acquired a substantial collection of books to aid us in this endeavor.

I noticed on your website that you mentioned the concept of avoiding poisonous or harmful ingredients, which is truly intriguing. Could you elaborate on how to achieve this? Have you encountered any challenges with customers or clients who were not avoiding such ingredients? If so, how do you assist them in avoiding harmful components?

When you mention harmful ingredients, are you referring to harmful ingredients in terms of food? There’s indeed a vast array of harmful ingredients, spanning across various domains, including the environment. It’s even present in the air we breathe.

Primarily, we strive to lead by example, not solely preaching to people about the changes they need to make in their lives. For instance, we grow our own vegetables and herbs, aiming to impart knowledge on how individuals can read food labels and discern potential hazards. They might ask questions like, “Does this food contain a harmful dye that could disrupt my gut bacteria?” or “Should I be cautious about ingredients like citric acid commonly used in Chinese cuisine?” Addressing these queries is essential.

The question of whether growing your own food is the ultimate solution arises frequently. Although cultivating one’s food is challenging, especially in Western societies, an increasing number of people are venturing into this practice or opting to purchase organic produce for their preparation. Detoxification holds significant importance for us. As an example, consider the case of vitamin D supplementation. I began taking vitamin D after thorough research, only to discover that it contains rat poison. However, this poison is harmful only if consumed over extended periods. Thus, balance is vital in all aspects. Research and knowledge acquisition are crucial for navigating through both the plethora of information and life’s challenges.

Building trust with customers is crucial, how do you educate and communicate with your customers about the authenticity and the effectiveness of your products and services?

Well, I’m quite occupied, you might say. My phone rings 24 hours a day; clients call me incessantly for even the smallest details. In a sense, I function as a gatekeeper. Nevertheless, I make an effort to recommend resources—other websites, books, and websites—so they can gain knowledge on their own. After all, knowledge is power. I don’t wish for anyone to become entirely dependent on me or us for everything.

The majority of the medicinal herbs we offer in our shop are handpicked from the rich Norwegian flora. By educating our customers about these herbs, we simultaneously guide them toward places where they can personally gather these plants. It’s our aim to share this knowledge with our customers, transforming ourselves from just a buying destination to a source that empowers them to identify and pick herbs independently.

As the owners of House of Healing Metaphysics, what are your future aspirations for both the store and its services? How do you plan to continue incorporating authenticity and spirituality into your business?

For us, within the House of Healing, providing healing is a service both to source and to humanity. Over the past six months, we’ve undertaken a concept. We hired an individual who had previously struggled with drug addiction, and we played a role in her journey to sobriety. However, our aim wasn’t solely to help her become clean through herbal remedies and cleansings. We took it a step further by offering her employment, equipping her with a purpose in life, and imparting the necessary skills for her self-sufficiency. Now she’s leaving us for another job with higher pay, all while remaining clean. The fulfillment we derive from such instances is profound, and this is a trajectory we aspire to continue. Even if it’s only one person at a time, we’re not setting out to change the entire world. If we can assist just one soul, that would be immensely rewarding. This passion and drive fuel us.

We strongly believe in giving back. When our shop is thriving and things are progressing favorably, we always recognize the importance of extending help without any strings attached. This could involve assisting someone for free or supporting a client who lacks the necessary funds to afford medicinal herbs or consultations. It’s a bit like embodying the spirit of Robin Hood. I often mention this concept to my clients, especially the affluent ones, suggesting that they can cover the expenses for those who can’t afford it. Envision if more businesses adopted such a top-down approach; the world would genuinely be a better place. It’s about uplifting others on an equal and balanced scale, creating a more holistic picture. House of Healing Metaphysics isn’t just about the physical; it encompasses a holistic approach where we endeavor to inspire change. Instead of preaching, we believe in being exemplars of transformation, and that involves putting in the work. Even if it means working with individuals one at a time, our goal is to ensure they experience a comprehensive transformation.

We’ve also formed partnerships. Some of our customers are yoga instructors. When a customer expresses interest in yoga, as an example, we understand that we can’t monopolize the market, given our constraints. Thus, we collaborate and ensure there’s a reputable space for clients to engage in yoga, sound healing, water cleansing rituals, or other activities. This concept transforms our establishment into a collective, a network of interconnected houses, functioning as an integral unit.

We rank vendors based on rigorous testing and research, but also take into account your feedback and our commercial agreements with providers. This page contains affiliate links. Advertising Disclosure
MysticMag contains reviews that were written by our experts and follow the strict reviewing standards, including ethical standards, that we have adopted. Such standards require that each review will take into consideration independent, honest and professional examination of the reviewer. That being said, we may earn a commission when a user completes an action using our links, at no additional cost to them. On listicle pages, we rank vendors based on a system that prioritizes the reviewer’s examination of each service but also considers feedback received from our readers and our commercial agreements with providers.This site may not review all available service providers, and information is believed to be accurate as of the date of each article.
About the author
Katarina is a Content Editor at Mystic Mag She is a Reiki practitioner who believes in spiritual healing, self-consciousness, healing with music. Mystical things inspire her to always look for deeper answers. She enjoys to be in nature, meditation, discover new things every day. Interviewing people from this area is her passion and space where she can professionaly evolve, and try to connect people in needs with professionals that can help them on their journey. Before joining Mystic Mag, she was involved in corporate world where she thought that she cannot express herself that much and develop as a person.