Helen Cacaoista from Sacred Cacao Ceremonies is an expert in the transformative power of Cacao. With a deep understanding of the healing properties of this ancient plant medicine, Helen guides individuals on a journey of self-discovery and heart-opening experiences. Through her ceremonies, she creates a sacred space where participants can connect with their true Self essence and the healing potential of Cacao, allowing it to nourish their souls and bring about positive transformation. MysticMag finds out more.
Can you share your personal journey and how you discovered the power and significance of Cacao ceremonies?
“My spiritual journey began in my very early twenties, but it was about eight years ago that I had a profound experience that led me to discover the power and significance of Cacao Ceremonies and shamanic healing. At that time, a close friend invited me to a transformative psytrance festival in Portugal called “Boom,” which had shamanism as its theme that year. As someone with Australian heritage, I had always been captivated by indigenous cultures, particularly the Aboriginals, and had also developed a keen interest in shamanic practices during my training at complementary therapy college.
During the festival, I spent most of my time at the Liminal Village, immersing myself in the wisdom and experiences shared by shamanic practitioners from around the world. One speaker, Rebekah Shaman, an urban shaman from England, caught my attention with her captivating story. She had been called in a vision to train with a shaman in the Amazon and spent several months there, discovering her path with Ayahuasca. Her journey resonated deeply with me, and I was inspired by her courage and dedication.
Upon my return to England I bought a copy of Rebekah’s book “The Last Apprentice” and also did some research on shamanic training in England and came across Simon Buxton, author of “The Shamanic way of the Bee” and the founder of “The Sacred Trust”, a renowned training school. I read both books pretty much in one sitting and knew I had found my calling. I enrolled in two courses at the Sacred Trust “The way of the Melissae” (based on a European shamanic conclave known as the Lyceum) and a two-week intensive training in classical shamanism and I continue to study at The Sacred Trust as well as other Shamanic training, constantly striving to deepen my own shamanic path.
I also continued to follow Rebekah Shaman and attended one of her Cacao ceremonies in London which had a profound effect on me and when she started offering Cacao training, I felt an undeniable calling to participate. Determined to secure a spot, I asked spirit for help (as there were only 10 places available) and donations instead of Christmas/birthday presents from friends and family as I didn’t have enough money. I was fortunate to be offered a place and through the generosity of others, I gathered enough funds to pursue my training, and this marked another turning point in my life. From that point on, I knew I not only wanted to incorporate Cacao into my own regular spiritual practice, I take Cacao everyday which has had amazing benefits. I also felt called to offer Cacao ceremonies in my home and woods, while still running my own rehabilitation company, supporting people who had been severely injured in accidents both physically and psychologically (I trained as a nurse). Witnessing the transformative power of Cacao’s medicine and the profound connections people made during the ceremonies fuelled my passion. During my training I was also “instructed” by Mother Cacao during a journey to hold a weekend retreat in my woodland which was to help people find forgiveness for themselves and others. I had spent many years working on forgiving my own parents (my father for sexually abusing me and my mother for not protecting me – she told me it was time to share this wisdom. This was incredibly daunting as I had never done anything like this before – but the clear guidance I received from Mother Cacao made me push through the doubt and slight overwhelm (ADHD). I enlisted the help of my best friend (as instructed by Mother Cacao) who is an amazing psychotherapeutic counsellor/therapist, and “Journey to Forgiveness” a weekend woodland retreat was launched.
In March of this year, the universe gave me a gigantic shove and I left my day job to pursue my passion for helping others heal their hearts and minds. As I continue on my path, I have faced challenges, but I have also experienced immense growth. In the past two years, I have been running retreats in my beautiful woodland, allowing individuals to reconnect with themselves and nature. This year, I am offering a number of different retreats instead of just one, and I am excited to see how my new business “Inspired Healing” will evolve and hopefully touch the lives of those who seek spiritual growth and connection.”
Cacao Ceremonies have ancient roots and have been used in spiritual traditions for centuries. How do you honour and incorporate the traditions and wisdom of the past in your modern Cacao Ceremonies?
I believe it’s crucial to honour traditions and heritage while also making the medicine accessible and relatable to people in the West. Cacao is now being incorporated in various ways, such as with yoga, dance, and sound ceremonies which is wonderful. For me, I feel called to facilitate deep shamanic journeys with Cacao, helping people connect and receive profound healing from the medicine.
I’d like to share a brief story about someone I met last year. He is a healer from Mexico and was over here on a pilgrimage and to scope a trip for some of his students. I won’t go into details, but he ended up staying in my woodland for a few days. I was holding a Cacao ceremony on the Sunday and as I had a place available, I offered it to him. As we were about to break for lunch I asked if anyone had anything final they would like to share at which point he mentioned that he had trained in Cacao with the Mayans (turned out he had also spent over 10 years training with the Toltecs too! I just hadn’t put 2 & 2 together. My first thought was “thank goodness I didn’t know that beforehand” but he could not have been kinder, he said that he had an amazing and powerful journey and really appreciated the way I honoured the medicine while making the ceremony my own. What a relief!!!! And he came back this year to the woods and asked that I hold a Cacao ceremony for him and his 12 students all of whom work with Cacao. It was an honour to serve the medicine for them but there was also a kind of irony in it too. Especially as they have invited me to hold a ceremony in Mexico when I go over there at the end of the year to visit them as part of a tour of South America I am taking – a pilgrimage of my own.
We learnt in our training that it’s customary to sing an “Icaro” (which translates as “magic song”) into the medicine once it has been prepared and cooked – this is a way of giving thanks to the medicine as well as activating it for ceremony, (as opposed to drinking a delicious cup of hot chocolate). During our training one of our Cacao journeys was to ask Mother Cacao if she would gift us with our own Icaro – I was blessed with a beautiful Icaro which I sing to the medicine before we drink it in ceremony. I also put everyone’s names into the Cacao too, asking for them to receive wisdom and guidance from Mother Cacao for their highest good. Everyone sets an intention before drinking the Cacao, as with all plant medicines “set and setting” is very important.
I also share the origins of the Cacao we drink, so participants know about the tribes that produce it. I believe it’s also important to shed light on the darker side of chocolate, the unethical practices in the Western chocolate industry that exploit indigenous growers. By doing so, I aim to bring awareness and honour the Cacao’s heritage, explaining its origins and how it has been used in ceremonies since 2000 BC.
How does the medicine help? On a physical level Cacao is rich in polyphenols, naturally occurring antioxidants, which are able to absorb free radicals. It is also one of the highest plant-based sources of magnesium, the most deficient mineral in the western world. Magnesium is important for a healthy heart, and helps turn glucose into energy enabling your brain to work with laser-sharp clarity and focus and is also high in iron, potassium, zinc and calcium to name just a few. It is a great source of serotonin, phenylethylamine and dopamine – three well studied neurotransmitters. It also contains anandamide (another neurotransmitter) In Sanskrit, Ananda means ‘bliss’, making this the ‘bliss molecule’. Cacao also contains enzyme inhibitors, which inhibit the breakdown of anandamide in the body, thus increasing its uptake and contributing to sensations of ‘bliss’ associated with raw Cacao. Anandamide is most likely the reason that Cacao is thought to be an aphrodisiac. It also contributes to the warm, fuzzy, and loving sensations that many people experience during a Cacao ceremony, however It’s important to remember that the effects of Cacao can vary for each person.
On a spiritual level, Cacao is a gentle yet extremely powerful medicine. Some people may initially dismiss it, thinking it won’t provide a potent experience like other plant medicines that have hallucinogenic properties. Her purge is tears, which are extremely cathartic but don’t underestimate her power. Even seasoned psychedelic medicine users once they try her understand that she is subtle yet powerful. Cacao gently helps us connect with our hearts, she is a heart opening medicine both on a spiritual and physical level and facilitates a deep healing experience. People often have revelations and profound experiences during ceremonies, which is something I truly love witnessing and hearing about as we share after the ceremony.
During a Cacao ceremony, participants have the opportunity to connect with the spirit of Cacao and their true selves. Could you explain how the spirit of Cacao facilitates this inner journey and how it can support individuals in finding clarity, answers, and guidance?
Perhaps the best way to explain is with an example, I have so many I could share but this one stands out. As previously mentioned, everyone comes to the ceremony with an intention which is usually either something you want to bring into your life (abundance, love, a new job etc.) or something you want to let go off (often unhelpful behaviours like anger, jealousy, self-criticism) or something you want clarity around (e.g. should I leave my job/partner, move home) if people are struggling I offer support and help before the ceremony as setting an intention for the first time can be daunting.
During this particular ceremony, one lady shared her intention that struck a chord with all of us. Her new partner had recently moved in, and as he didn’t have children of his own, she sought guidance on how to navigate the dynamic. She wanted to ensure her partner felt included as a part of the family, while also allowing her children to adjust to the presence of a new partner/father figure. Her vulnerability and desire for clarity deeply moved us. After the ceremony, during the sharing and integration phase, everyone has the opportunity to express their insights and experiences. This lady’s sharing left us all in tears. She revealed something she hadn’t mentioned before, that her husband had died and this was the first relationship for her and her children with someone new. This aspect made her situation even more significant and challenging. However, during her journey, her deceased husband appeared to her, offering reassurance and urging her to embrace happiness in this new phase of her life – he gave her his blessing. Witnessing her emotional release and the collective response of the group was a powerful moment for all of us.
It’s not uncommon for people to receive clarity and guidance from their deceased loved ones during these ceremonies. Many individuals have experienced significant shifts or manifestations as a result of their journeys. Some reach out to me weeks later, excitedly sharing how the wisdom they received from Mother Cacao influenced positive changes in their lives, such as landing a new job or experiencing newfound love. While everyone gains something from the journey, the extent varies, and for first-timers, their egos can sometimes hinder their experiences. They may question whether the messages were genuine or just their imagination. To counter this, I encourage participants to trust their initial instincts, emphasizing that the first thoughts that arise are often the most accurate. I explain that the ego can sometimes challenge and invalidate subsequent insights. However, that said Cacao really helps individuals to access their higher selves, people can transcend their egos and forge a profound connection with themselves. The medicine helps them tap into their inner wisdom and gain insights that may otherwise remain elusive.
The journey takes the form of a guided meditation, after speaking for a while, I allow participants to spend time connecting with Mother Cacao, stating their intention and asking other questions that may arise. Self-love holds a significant place within the journey, and I dedicate a section to it during the ceremony. Many individuals leave the ceremony inspired to prioritise self-care, reviving practices like yoga or making other positive changes in their lives.
Witnessing these transformations and receiving messages from participants weeks later, sharing the positive impact of their experiences, are the highlights of my work. The potency of this medicine is truly remarkable, and I feel honoured to facilitate these ceremonies, creating a safe space where individuals can connect with themselves and the profound wisdom of Mother Cacao and other spirit guides and animals.
The Cacao tree has a rich history and cultural significance. How do you educate and create awareness among participants about the origins, traditions, and sacredness of Cacao as they engage in the ceremony?
The Cacao tree is classified in the Sterculiaceae family and is a member of the Theobroma Genus. The words “Theobroma Cacao” is Greek for “Food of the Gods”. The Cacao tree is native to the Amazon Basin. It was domesticated by the Olmecs and Mokaya (Mexico and Central America). As mentioned before, the first evidence of Cacao being used in ceremony dates back to 2000 BC when a ceremonial vessel was found containing Cacao.
The ceremony starts when we cook the Cacao together, while it is cooking I talk about the history of Cacao, the origins and about the tribes who grow, harvest and produce the Cacao we are drinking. I also talk about the health and spiritual benefits of the medicine and how it is revered by those who grow it. I am also careful to explain the difference between Ceremonial grade Cacao and regular Cacao that you might buy in a health food shop. Ceremonial grade Cacao is very different from other forms of Cacao for 3 main reasons: 1) It’s produced from native Cacao strains: native meaning it’s found growing naturally, in the wild, without human interaction/cultivation. 2) Minimal processing: this means the beans still contain all or most of their natural compounds. Ceremonial Cacao is NEVER tempered (heated to ultra-high temperatures). 3) Intention: from tree to cup, Ceremonial Cacao is produced with intention, and in alignment with the Cacao Spirit. This means the lands, the farmers, the process, and the finished Cacao are treated with compassion, love, respect, and reverence.
I discuss the tribes and regions where the Cacao originates from, as well as the process of its production. The one thing missing for me personally, is that I haven’t yet had the opportunity to visit the land where Cacao grows, or meet the people that grow, harvest and produce the Cacao but all that is about to change. What started out as a 2-week trip to Guatemala to meet the farmers and commune and drink Cacao in her own natural habitat has turned into a 3 month journey to South and Central America. A number of my regular clients have started asking me if I will run training to support others to hold Cacao Ceremonies/Journeys, I hadn’t thought about it before but I love teaching and am keen to share my knowledge and experience but felt it important to know the medicine first hand. I am also checking out a potential venue to hold the training in Guatemala as I felt I would have loved to have done my training amongst the Cacao trees. However, I also plan to offer the training in the UK.
Each person’s experience in a Cacao ceremony can be unique and transformative. Can you share any powerful testimonials or stories from participants who have undergone profound shifts or insights through the sacred Cacao ceremonies you facilitate?
As mentioned previously Cacao is not hallucinogenic and is therefore the only legal plant medicine in the UK. But its properties and the guided journey can enable people to enter a deep meditative state during the ceremony. As the facilitator, it’s really important for me to explain how spirit or our higher/true selves may communicate with us. Most people have heard of clairvoyance which means to see things and clairaudient which means to hear things but there are four other “clairs” (meaning “clear” in French) which are less well known than the first two. Claircognizance meaning to know things and clairsentient to sense/feel things (which you didn’t know or sense before) seem to be less well known but possibly more common. The final two clairalience to smell things and clairgustance to taste things are even less well known and possibly the rarest of the “clairs” as I call them. I reassure participants that not everyone will be visual and not to compare themselves to others’ experiences. I suggest that they try to not have preconceived ideas of how spirit might communicate with them, “don’t set expectations and be open to the unexpected!” I myself only rarely have visions but rely on knowing and sensing to get messages from spirit and I have learnt over time to trust this knowing as it has proved correct time and again. Spirit or my higher self just gift me with new knowledge or information which moments before I was unaware of. It can be a little freaky at first but with time you learn to trust it.
As mentioned above I receive many texts and emails following ceremonies and retreats sharing how Cacao and other spirit guides have given people the courage to change jobs, leave relationships, move home, improve self-care. Take leaps of faith with inspired new challenges. Heal old wounds, find forgiveness for self and others. One participant on the “Journey to Forgiveness” retreat came back two years in a row, the first year she forgave herself for how critical she was of herself and learned to start really honouring and being kind to herself. The second year by the end of the retreat she had worked through childhood abuse and felt ready to forgive the perpetrator. This was truly profound for her and those witnessing her amazing resilience and healing.
One other story which is not mine but which I share with people because the message is so powerful especially for those new to Cacao is as follows. On my first Cacao ceremony with Rebekah the last lady to share said she hadn’t received anything and certainly no visions. When Rebekah probed a bit deeper, she said that she had simply received a message to take a bath twice a week – no phone, no book, nothing but a candle and either Epsom salts or essential oils in the bath and to stay there for 20 mins at least. Rebekah emphasised that honouring even the simplest messages is crucial. If someone receives a seemingly straightforward instruction, it may be the most important aspect of their journey. The absence of elaborate visuals allows them to focus on what they are being asked to do and truly honour the message. Then when I was on my training with Rebekah, she used this story to illustrate to us the importance of listening to the medicine even if you don’t like what it tells you or don’t think it is important. She was able to tell us what had happened to this lady after the ceremony ……..
The lady had emailed Rebekah three months later with incredible news. She explained that she followed the guidance and realised that she had never given herself time to think or just be and this is what happened in her enforced 20 mins in the bath. As a result of honouring the guidance from spirit her life had been transformed, she’d met a new partner, moved house, and got a new job – she was so grateful. These stories of transformation and magic are common in Cacao Ceremonies. They are immensely powerful, and I can provide testimonials and stories from participants if you’d like to hear more. They serve as a testament to the profound impact of Cacao as a powerful plant medicine in creating harmony and facilitating positive change in people’s lives.
If you would like to find out more about Sacred Cacao Ceremonies, contact Helen on 07971-798462 or visit https://www.sacredcacaoceremonies.co.uk/