Explore the fascinating world of astrology and psychic intuition with Jill Jardine, a seasoned astrologer and psychic intuitive. In this exclusive MysticMag interview, she shares insights on how she seamlessly integrates both modalities to provide the best results for her clients. Learn about her unique approach and the power of Sanskrit Mantra Healing down below.
Can you share with us how you first became interested in astrology and what drew you to this field?
I became interested in astrology during my teens at a time when it was still considered fringe. This was many moons ago when the only ones interested in or using astrology were the former hippies and those connected to the A.R.E., the Association for Research and Enlightenment based on the works of Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet of the 20th century. During my teens and twenties, I did readings for friends and at events as a hobby. I obtained a Master’s Degree in Counseling/Psychology in 1991 to legitimize my astrology, and have been a Professional astrologer for the past 33 years.
I was a professional astrology pre-internet revolution, so the way we attracted clients was through word of mouth without the benefit of the online pipeline. Back before the internet, you had to be good at the art and science of astrology in order to get clients and keep them. The “proof was in the pudding” and the accuracy of the readings would keep them coming back. Also, there was less competition for astrologers back before the internet. Many of my clients have been coming to me for 20+ years for readings. I was attracted to astrology at a young age, which made me realize in retrospect, that I had been an astrologer in a past life. This has been validated by several Vedic Astrologers, who have told me I was a “Jyotisha”, a Vedic Astrologer in several previous lives. I have read thousands of astrology charts in my lifetime and gleaned much wisdom from this experience that I continue to share with my clients.
How do being an Astrologer and a Psychic Intuitive work together and how do you mix the two to get the best results for your clients?
I was also a psychic at a very young age, seeing deceased people and getting messages from them. This scared me so I shut off the psychic/mediumistic abilities, only to have them come back in my twenties. By then, I had been initiated into a spiritual path by a Guru from India and knew how to handle the psychic energies, and spiritual healing coming through me. I believe that one is born with psychic or intuitive gifts, but it is essential to cultivate them as well. Psychic or intuitive gifts can be considered as gifts from God or positive past life credit, especially if used to help and heal people in this lifetime. I have spent years cultivating my psychic gifts by doing yoga, chanting Sanskrit Mantras, meditation, and other advanced spiritual practices. I offer both the psychic and astrology readings in one session, as I have learned to flow and integrate the two modalities in a single reading session. I also integrate Vedic astrology into readings, as I have become certified in this branch of Astrology in the past 10 years.
Please tell me the principles behind Sanskrit Mantra Healing and how it works.
Sanskrit Mantras are the Yoga of Sound. The principle behind chanting Sanskrit Mantra is to activate sacred sound frequency to raise one’s vibration. The translation of the word, “Mantra” from Sanskrit means to “still the mind.” Chanting in Sanskrit helps one to quiet their mind, and thus enter meditative states easier, and sustain them after chanting mantras. Sanskrit Mantras are from a Vedic tradition that actually predates religion on the planet, although they are commonly linked to the Hindu and Buddhist religions.
In true form, Sanskrit Mantras must be transmitted from teacher to student. Therefore, to get the benefits and “Shakti” (divine energies) of mantra one needs to receive mantras from an initiated teacher through a mantra lineage. One must be careful learning mantras from the internet or on YouTube, as the source of the mantra teachings are many times unknown, and could possibly have adverse effects. My clients are protected and receive mantras from a viable source when they work with me. I have been initiated into a mantra lineage through my teacher, Namadeva Archarya, Thomas Ashley-Farrand, international author of Sanskrit Mantra books.
What other services and forms of healing do you offer?
I offer Western Astrology readings, individual and group teachings in Astrology, Vedic Astrological readings with Mantra and Gem Remedies, Sanskrit Mantra healings and teachings, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy, and Hypnotherapy Sessions to connect to Inner Guides, Inner Mates, and other inner resources. I was trained in Alchemical Hypnotherapy in 1994, and the Past Life Regression therapy is having a resurgence in popularity. I also do hypnotherapy for relaxation and to connect with an Inner Healer. I offer in-person sessions for all of the above as well as Sound Healing sessions in-person.
You also offer online courses. What can people learn from them?
I offer online courses incorporating Sanskrit Mantras and other esoteric techniques to improve Love, Prosperity, and Wealth, and to Develop Intuition. I also offer several Prosperity Programming courses, which will align one with wealth consciousness. I share metaphysical and energetic tools teaching students how to increase their prosperity vibrations and to enjoy more abundance in their lives.