Dr. Jenna Valentine, DACM, LAc, AOBTA-CP, Dipl. OM gives MysticMag the chance to discover more about her work, her passion and her experience with Acupuncture.
How did Acupuncture and energy healing first find you?
When I was in High School I rebelled against my mother’s strict religious beliefs and started delving into Buddhism and Taoism. Through this research I found acupuncture, which I initially dismissed albeit intrigued.
At college I was quite involved with At Risk Youth and I had an opportunity to go and receive acupuncture. It was a miraculous experience and from this point on it would become very prominent in my life. I would always recommend others receive acupuncture for any ailment they may have – I became a little obsessed.
Later in life, I got divorced and took this opportunity to reassess where I was in this world. I realized that I could be the one to practice acupuncture, and to practice what I had been preaching for 17 years. My divorce was a hard but beautiful gift which freed up my brain to be able to reevaluate everything that was going on in my life. I have no regrets whatsoever.
What can you tell us about your practice and what clients can expect to walk away with?
Acupuncturists all practice differently. I tend to value slow and deep connection time with my clients. I find that their nervous systems can settle more and the client can relax a little more which is, in my mind, where the deepest healing takes place. I always chat to my clients first and then we start the treatment.
We don’t have to use needles and instead can use methods such as Acupressure for those who are wary of needles. I prefer to incorporate quite a diverse array of modalities to be able to adapt to the various and unique needs of each of my clients. I also love using Chinese herbs. My approach is very holistic so as to meet people on all the different levels of life that they are experiencing.
Some people are afraid of needles – what words of wisdom can you offer those concerned?
I totally understand this fear of needles. We often associate needles with pain but I do want to stress that Acupuncture needles are tiny, almost like strands of hair. For some people, this is still too much. There are many different techniques under the umbrella of traditional Chinese medicine that can be incorporated such as Acupressure or Aculaser pens.
Finding an Acupuncturist who is flexible in their approach is best as then they can be very creative with getting the best treatment possible with or without the needles. With the use of needles I would say that, generally speaking, there are some areas on the body that are more tender than others, but overall the experience will be a relaxing and amazing experience.
In your experience, what has been the most extraordinary/ memorable story of healing?
There are two that come to mind. One of my clients had severe panic attacks, more than 30 a week. She no longer wanted to travel or leave her home. We modified her diet, got her on some herbs and supplements. She had one session of acupuncture and she has not had one panic attack in five months. She now travels with no fear and her life has changed around completely.
Another of my clients first came in for neck pain (which was sorted in the first session) but she was very guarded and on edge. I have watched her become a woman who is open and receptive to receiving love. She now meditates daily, she practices breathwork and is beautifully receptive to life. She feels like a fundamentally different person and I feel like I watched a rosebud blossom into a beautiful flower. Being a part of this has been one of my greatest joys.
Do you believe that a sound body creates a sound mind?
Absolutely – and vice versa. Your body is a home for your soul/spirit/energy to live in. Neglecting the body is tantamount to living in a shabby, dilapidated, messy and moldy apartment. No one can thrive in this setting.
There is an undeniable connection between how our bodies are feeling and how our minds are working. The alternative is that the way that our mind is structured will impact our body. When we are oriented towards negative outcomes, seeing threat and hypervigilance, our bodies can not thrive as they are under constant threat and ready to activate fight-flight-freeze mode. The energy is being used in these less skillful ways because of what our minds are offering them as our experience. It is for this reason that I would say that both are equally important.
If you would like to find out more about Jenna Valentine, visit https://valentinecare.com/ or follow on https://www.facebook.com/ValentineCareWellness/ or https://www.instagram.com/valentinecarewellness/